Hi All, I am a web developer and I am lately becoming fairly security conscious. So two questions for you and any help appreciated. 1)I have my hesitations about my web code being revealed to everyone through the "view page source" feature of web browsers. Apparently the source review may reveal quite a few hints that affect security. Is there a way to prevent people from seeing this? 2)Being a web developer (especially PHP) I would like to know how I can restrict my programs to run on specific domains only. In this way if someone steals my code he can not deploy it on his server. Thanks for your help all peter
Well you cannot fully prevent the viewing of the HTML source for a web page, any experienced web user may get the source even if you block right-click on you page, or things like that.
The best way would be 1. Have a validation from your server and then only the scripts should work and have the script work but then if they have stolen the script this is not good. 2. Have some data send to your server so you know who has stolen it (but remember you cannot do anything but knowing) unless it has been done for some client who helps you.
I looked into it quite deeply and in quite a few forums and this is the outcome: http://www.geogreen.gr/welcome.html try "view page source". Neat outcome ah?
Its something like the page is generated with the JS and so the source is not a straigt forward one. Something like the GMail inbox source page.