Discussion in 'C' started by metahuman, Apr 9, 2008.

  1. metahuman

    metahuman New Member

    Feb 8, 2008
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    First of all let me apologize for posting in the wrong forum ... but I didn't find one for prolog... please redirect me if we have one ... and anyone's response if he/she knows the answer is appreciated.

    am trying to print the elements of a list.... one per line using a predicate of arity 1 .... which I am able to do with the code:

    display_list([]) :- !, write('\nThe list is empty').		  % handles empty list
    display_list([H|T]) :- write('        '), write(H), nl, display_list(T).

    The problem is: I want to have the sequence number of the list element in front of it: For example,

    1 North
    2 South
    3 East
    4 West

    I am not able to able to do that.

    The code I am writing is:

    increment(X,Y) :- Y is X+1.
    display_list([])    :- !, write('\nThe list is empty').		  
    display_list([H|T]) :- X = 0, increment(X,Y), write(Y),write('        '), write(H), nl, display_list(T).
    The output I get as expected is:
    11 ?- display_list([north, south, east]).
    1 north
    1 south
    1 east

    The list is empty

    Also I keep on getting this 'The list is empty' everytime the elements are exhausted and not only when the input list is empty .....

    Please advice ...... Thanks

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