Whats up guys. Would someone give me a little direction towards a software program for extracting specific criteria from search results? I want to clear the terms BANK, INC., LENDING, CREDIT and others from the search results on the new york goverment website so that I only deal with private individuals and not banks or institutions with the recorded mortgages. Here is the url... NYC Gov Site What do you guys think? Thanks.
Thanks for the reply Shabbir. The only problem I have with those commands is that I need the opposite. I need to get all of the search results minus the ones I don't want with those key words I said above. This is so because there is no common trigger words in the results that I want unlike the results I don't want... with the words CREDIT, INC. etc. Also... are those commands simply put in the url text box? Because on my web browser nothing happens.
Add a minus before the given operator. They should be put in the search text box on google homepage and you can get the URL from the address box once you get the page.