Hi could ne1 please explain me a PROCESS, THREAD, TASK in simple words. n what is the difference between the 3 of them. regards priya
Hi, Here is a link where you can find answer for difference between Process and a thread. http://www.faqfarm.com/Q/What_is_the_difference_between_a_computer_process_and_thread when it comes to the task, a task is a set of instructions.To perform some task we run a progaram which internally creates a process.
Process Process is a naturally occurring or designed sequence of operations or events, possibly taking up time, space, expertise or other resource, which produces some outcome. A process may be identified by the changes it creates in the properties of one or more objects under its influence Thread Threads are similar to processes, in that both represent a single sequence of instructions executed in parallel with other sequences, either by time slicing or multiprocessing. Threads are a way for a program to split itself into two or more simultaneously running tasks Task A set of program instructions is loaded in memory Source wikipedia