I have done a program, it works but i used a book to help me as i was seriously stuck and unsure what i have actually done in fields "register an integar" as i normally put int iCount (iCount my integar i nominate) "Long factorial" and "Return 0" as i use getch(); normally My code: Code: /* Name: Cameron Owen CIC Y1 G1 Software Development Factors */ #include<stdio.h> int main() { register int count; int iCount; long factorial; printf("Compute the factorial of what number?"); scanf("%d",&iCount); for (factorial =1L, count=1; count<=iCount; count++) factorial *=count; printf("%d!=%d\n",iCount, factorial); return 0; }
The lines that i wrote "register an integar" "Long factorial" "Return 0" I would usually make a comment after each for my understanding, eg. if i wrote getch(); // get a character from the keyboard something along those lines
Code: register int count; // declare the first counter int iCount; // declare the second counter long factorial; // Declare the var for output printf("Compute the factorial of what number?"); // display message to user scanf("%d",&iCount); // Get the input from user // Loop through to multiply the numbers to calc fact for (factorial =1L, count=1; count<=iCount; count++) factorial *=count; printf("%d!=%d\n",iCount, factorial); // Print output