hello!! i'm having a problen to network my pc(compaq) with another of the same specifications.i have a bridge in my pc but the other does not have it. why is LAN not working.please help. Sanchita
If you can give the description of the error we can just try figuring it out what the problems can be. Try getting the Services in the control panel Administrative tools running specially RMI so that if its anything related to that problem can be solved.
while networking the souce pc grants access but the destination one does not accept it.i have gone to services and enabled LAN But it does not seem to work. a message is displayed" A NETWORK CABLE IS PLUGGED OUT".However, the cable is plugged in. Plz help.
The reason that A NETWORK CABLE IS PLUG OUT can have multiple reasons. Physically its connected but OS cannot recognize then it will be show unplugged or hub or any other device is malfunctioning then also the same can happen.
U cant make network by connecting wire u have to make new connection follow these steps First assign ip on both pc like ip on ur pc & ip on second pc Default Gateway To assign Ip right click on My Network Places >> Properties>>right click on Local Area Connection>>From Window Select INTERNET PROTOCOL tcp/ip>> PROPERTIES>>Assign Ip In Ip Address>> Click Tab Subnet Mask Already Assign>>click on tab>> Assign Default Gateway Do Same On Other PC SUBNETMASK & DEFAULT GATEWAY is same but ip is different then click on ok open My Network Places On left side u found that SETUP A SMALL OR OFFICE NETWORK Click On Next Then Again On Next Then Next U Have Nothing To Change Just Change A setting Check On TURN ON FILE PRINTING & SHARING THEN click next The Next Setup Automatically Start At Last Just Click On JUST FINISH THIS SETUP THEN NEXT & FINISH cHECK THIS LINK FOR MORE EASILY UNDERSTAND http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/networking/setup/homenet.mspx
Are you using the Cross-cable ethernet wire ? To connect two PC's (aka DCE - Data Communications Equipment in Networking nomenclature) you required cross-cable rather than traditional straight-cable.
If you dont have a crossover cable theres some coputers that let u switch the pins in the bios to make it look like a crossover cable to the PC
If you dont have a crossover cable theres some coputers that let u switch the pins in the bios to make it look like a crossover cable to the os