I don't want guests to be able to read content of a vBuletin forum but I want them to be able to see the forums, sub forums as well as see the thread links in the forums. How can I get this done in vBulletin? Any plugin or anything. I am using vBulletin 3.x Latest
Yes but that would disallow reading of forums and sub forum under a forum but I want people to be able to read what forums and sub forums are there in the forums as well as when they click the forum they would show the threads in the forum and then when they click on threads they should be asked to login.
This would need some really simple plugin code that you may need to place in the showthread hooks. It is so simple code that I thought of sharing them here instead of making the plugin out of it. Add the following code in the couple of hooks. showthread_start showpost_start Code: if(!$show['member']) { print_no_permission(); } And that should do the trick for you.