heloooooooooooo This is naveen I am new to this place ......I feel happy ... ok friends plz give information about this topic I saw a web site www.Freelance.com there we can get work for money(all these things I read from that site),just I need an information, is that true?, because I need money now so I need suggestion about "work from home"
Have a rule of thumb here If they ask for money to get you some job then I would suggest a real No No but there are exceptions like elance.com but at this moment you will not be able to cash out the money they ask for before hand unless you have a good experience on freelancing. I would suggest to keep yourself out of such sites. Also try putting your query in the right forum and with a better heading. I have moved the thread from Introduce yourself to Job seeker forum.
If you want a Home Based business, Work from Home, success is based on your abilities and avilable sources. <<Links Removed>> Happy Earning