pls help!!im java newbie

Discussion in 'Java' started by johnmeyer, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. johnmeyer

    johnmeyer New Member

    Mar 13, 2012
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    Pls help!!im jave newbie....anyone can help me to solve tis simple question???i need the whole step.
    Write a java program to convert temperature degree from Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa,-You are required to display a message to the user asking for whether to convert to Celsius or Fahrenheit degree-If the user chose to convert from Celsius degree to Fahrenheit degree then use the following formula: ((9.0 / 5.0) * CELS) + 32.0- If the user chose to convert from Fahrenheit degree to Celsius degree then use the following formula: 5.0/9.0*(FAHR-32)-Your program should handle users input as the following-- F or f for converting from Celsius to Fahrenheit -- C or c for converting from Fahrenheit to Celsius-- Any other input the program should display a notification that the input is invalid.- Use JOptionPane class to interact with the user - Break down your code into smaller methods --A method to handle the conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit --A method to handle the conversion from Fahrenheit to Celsius.-Test you program for the following temperatures -- 38C-- 80F
  2. johnmeyer

    johnmeyer New Member

    Mar 13, 2012
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    Write a program to convert temperature degree from Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa,

    **You are required to display a message to the user asking for whether to convert to Celsius or Fahrenheit degree

    **If the user chose to convert from Celsius degree to Fahrenheit degree then use the following formula: ((9.0 / 5.0) * CELS) + 32.0

    **If the user chose to convert from Fahrenheit degree to Celsius degree then use the following formula: 5.0/9.0*(FAHR-32)

    **Your program should handle users input as the following
    -F or f for converting from Celsius to Fahrenheit
    -C or c for converting from Fahrenheit to Celsius
    -Any other input the program should display a notification that the input is invalid.

    **Use JOptionPane class to interact with the user

    **Break down your code into smaller methods
    -A method to handle the conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit
    -A method to handle the conversion from Fahrenheit to Celsius.

    **Test you program for the following temperatures

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