I would like to make a simple monitoring. I make this: Code: <?php $ip = $_SERVER['']; exec("ping -n 4 $ip 2>&1", $output, $retval); if ($retval != 0) { echo "no!"; } else { echo "yes!"; } ?> I use my internal IP: The result is: NO! why???
I change this code and I put this: Code: IP: ( <?php $ping_ex = exec("ping -n 1", $ping_result, $pr); if (count($ping_result) > 1){ echo "<img src=\"on.png\">"; } else{ echo "<img src=\"off.png\">"; } ?> ) IP: ( <?php $ping_ex = exec("ping -n 1", $ping_result, $pr); if (count($ping_result) > 1){ echo "<img src=\"on.png\">"; } else{ echo "<img src=\"off.png\">"; } ?> ) In the first case the resulst are NO and the second case are YES. But... the result is YES in two cases. Why???
yeah! finally I put this code: Code: <?php $str = exec("ping -n 1 -w 1", $input, $result); if ($result == 0){ echo "<img src=\"on.png\">"; }else{ echo "<img src=\"off.png\">"; } ?> It's run correctly, but i would like to insert this code into a javascript function because I insert many times this PHP and the page is very hard to load. I would like to insert a button: Code: <input type="submit" onClick="para();"> and when I press this button, the javascript runs. Is it possible??