PHP style in Dreamweaver CS4

Discussion in 'PHP' started by bananow, Apr 14, 2010.

  1. bananow

    bananow New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    Hey everyone,

    I might have a really absurd question, which might be the reason why I haven't found the answer so ar :) I am a real newbie to PHP development and mostly work with Dreamweaver, thus I want to use PHP in Dreamweaver. So my questions are the following:

    1) When I want to use PHP in Dreamweaver, do I smiply write the PHP code in the code view.

    2) When I want to have a certain style using CSS (e.g. font, font size, position, etc.) how can I do it? Do I simply add the PHP content into a div tag which will have certain attributes?

    Thank you for your answers,


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