Hi, I have seen on post posted by coderzone about High Paying CPM Networks. Can anyone please list out High Paying CPC Networks For Example, Bitadvertiser is the one who pays you per click. I would like to know other advertiser who can pay you per click. I have diff. advertisers on my websites but not worth to get paid Thanks.
Adsense is one of the best and then we have like Yahoo Publisher network but that is only for US people.
Ya, Sorry I forgot to mentioned that my target traffic is for INDIA So, any suggestion for the same ?
CPC programs are good but they pay less than CPL program, i am using earnbizz.com affiliate program for my website.
Hello, Please check this - http://www.adpushup.com/blog/the-best-ad-networks-for-publishers-2015-edition-moving-beyond-adsense/