Hi anyone knows how can I send variables from a php page to a form - i need to fill the form with these variables ? maybe using (the process of passing variables to other pages - through url) but how can i assign them to form variables ?
page.php HTML: <?php $items = "item1,item3"; ?> <a href="form.php?selectedItems=<?=$items?>" >View Form<a/> form.php HTML: <form name="selectionform" method="post" action=""> <select size="3" multiple name="selectedItems[]"> <option value="item1">Item1</option> <option value="item2">Item2</option> <option value="item3">Item3</option> </select> <input type="submit" value="View Result"> </form> What I'm looking for is when user click "View Form" link, they get the for filled with items - i.e some items are alreay selected ---- then if the user want to deselect one of the items or select more items he should able to do that.. ! to check the result: - in form.php PHP: if($_POST) echo implode($_POST['selectedItems'],","); so what do you think ? having $_GET inside form.php will solve the problem ! .. but I've tried it and it doesn't work.. I didn't know how to handle the array and nothing selected !! .. can you take my sample code and add to it the proper things so it will work ! please
Here goes the example page.php HTML: <a href="form.php?selectedItems=SomeValue" >View Form<a/> form.php HTML: <?php $items = $_GET['selectedItems']; ?> <form name="selectionform" method="post" action=""> <input type="text" name="replyname" size=30 value="<?php $items; ?>"> <input type="submit" value="View Result"> </form> Other all options like explode and other things are cosmetic changes. Also I have not verified the code and so don't go for the syntax but see the semantics for it.