Part 1 I'm populating a dropdown list from data retrieved from a web services request. When the user makes a selection I want to link to another jsp page passing the selected item as the value of parm1. <select onchange="document.location='./otherPage.jsp?parm1='+this.value;" > This works fine if 1. the user is using firefox, not ie and, 2. there is no spaces in the selected item. If ie, the linked adress is shown as... .../otherPage.jsp?parm1= In firefox its... .../otherPage.jsp?parm1=ITEM_1 Part 2 The second part of my issue relates to the linked jsp page where I use... String[] ws_parm1 = request.getParameterValues("parm1"); I have to receive parm1 as an array though I want it as a single string. any assistance would be appreciated.
Ignore Part 2, Ive sorted that out by replacing the spaces with another character and the reverting back to spaces in the receiving jsp...