ok, so im having a slight problem ill try and sum it up I have pretty much daily access to a network at a certain place There a alot of computers all running windows XP cant tell you much ,ore bout the os, or anything of that type They also have all the newest versions of novell client and lightspeed systems installed and running on all computers Im aware that lightspeed is a network security type thing and is used on every system connected on a network. and the only way i know of getting past it is with an administrator login info, which is kinda hard 4 me to get... I have access to one computer daily, and could get on different ones if the need arises On my computer i have a remote desktop program installed aswell as a keylogger so i can access the computer at any time i feel its necessary I was wondering if there was any type of help i could get in hacking the network or administrator information on both novell and lightspeed also, is there a way to possibly crash the lightspeed server? thanks for all of your help
download NetTools by Relix, there is sooo many things you can do with that tool. It even has its own IRC channel.
ahh yes i totally agree with spoonwizard it is VERY VERY VERY nice program i reccomend it to everyone
ok thanks alot guys i downloaded it the computer there another thing....me, being only 15 dont know alot about network tools and such yet, for someone my age i know quite a bit but, im still a little stumped i played around with net tools a bit today, and im still utterly confused so would any of you happen to know how to bypass the lightspeed system without a proxy another thing id be looking at doing is shutting down the lightspeed system itself for the entire network.....any help also, any knowledge of a virus to crash every computer on a network?
APR sniffing on the whole network will crash it. Just sniff between every computer on the network and the Gateway.
ok now the lightspeed systems is a program that moniters the entire network and blocks sites by categories, such as proxies, social networking, things like that a few days back, im guessing that either the server went down or they temporarily disabled lightspeed....is there a way i can shutdown lightspeed systems for the entire network, or just get around it also, viruses to crash computers??
ok seriously i need a practical way to break the same thing. i can always download the relix unless im on my private laptop so what about anything else. im aware that proxies wont work since this is a content filter. anyhelp spoon?
ok i need help with this anyway w/o downloading something? i want to crash my highschools network i have a private laptop so anyway is good. i can get on through hardline or their wireless thanks for help
i tried the jap and it wont let me run the program after installing and a virus because i want to bring this place to its knees =]
This is for begginners and it requires physical access 1.If you have access to the switches and you can unplug one patch cable from the patch panel or wall and plug it so that both ends of the rj45 are in the switch, you can create a switching loop. The fix for this is to enable STP, on your swithces. 2. Put a *nix machine on the same network, and change the IP of the machine to the IP of the default gateway. The fix for this is to use 802.1x authentication. 3. Inserting a rouge dhcp server on the network, will make it so that depending on network traffic some clients will grab address they can't use. The fix for this is again use 802.1x . 4. On a complicated network use a box with low specs. to arp poison all IP's. The machine won't be able to keep up with the routing and the network will grind to a halt. The fix for this is to again use 802.1x and to use an IDS or IPS. 5. Run Novell Quit using Novell
i believe ive read that somewhere before i do not have access to a router or any other machines on the network just two or three computers all of which running novell i have found a way to make an account on novell and grant myself adminstrative abilities but that still does not help me with the lightspeed systems a way of getting past lightspeed that i thought of was finding a website that was bloxked, and asking my teacher to unblock it in which case he would type in his username and password but recently on that computer, i messed up and delted a program native to lightspeed so the firewall can no longer be bypassef in that way and if you were wondering, yes, i have a keylogger installed on it, so when the teacher typed the info i would have had it in my grasp only problem with that, is that the login info is tracked and i would get my teacher and myself in trouble by using it for sites such as myspace or other "bad" sites so once again i have the jap installed but it doesnt work for some reason i also have limewire installed on the computer aswell as a remote desktop service as for the novell, i could simply bring my laptop up to school and connect myself without having to worry about novell
I'm not sure if you can crash the security for the whole network, but if you want to delete it on one computer, go to Start-Programs-Accesories-Windows Explorer-Local Disk (C-Program Files. Then delete the folder for Lightspeed Systems. Or, if Windows Explorer is blocked, right click on start, and go to explore
unfortunattely lightspeed isnt a program that can be deleted of the computer or id be fine its over the entire network they have a giant network thing, dont know how to describe it but every computer in the school is plugged up to it of course if i could get in there to it i could cause some damage but i cant
...Not to bring up a dead post but... I have the same issue. I'd say just use Tor. (if you still have this issue, or for others with this issue). Honestly, i would say deal with it. If you can't wait 6 hours to go on facebook, you need a reality check. The only reason i screw around with things on our schools computers is for fun. I'm friends with all of the IT staff (Minus the actual main IT guy, i pissed him off last year). I realized this past week that the guest account on all school computers (Student, Student) has administrative privileges. Or at least a lot more access than the personal student accounts. This will sooner or later bite them in the ***. (Out of the hackers in my school, i am the most capable, yet also the most passive) ACTUAL POINT>>>Oh thats what i was going to get to. Don't try and crash your schools network, nor the internet, nor any computers. All of those will get you suspended, expelled, and probably a hefty fine. <<<<<<<< .....and to digress... My friends and I are toying with the idea of attempting to DDOS our schools website from it's own computers. (That way you don't need to go past a hub at another school that blocks packets). Along with crashing the website, by using enough computers, we'll bring down the internet. -Unibikeling