Hye Iam executing nmake through cmd prompt , after giving cmd nmake i got error Code: .\include\extnargs.mak<271> : fatal error U1023 :syntax error in expression when i looked to the extnargs.mak file .I found out this Code: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !if $(INCLUDE_CSTA) == 1 # changed to a file because WIN98 had problem for long names # @type csta.opt >> $(LOADOPT) # $(ECHO) $(CSTATASK) >> $(LOADOPT) $(ECHO) $(CSTACNTL) >> $(LOADOT) // this is the line 271 !endif $(ECHO) -L $(RTXCLIB) >> $(LOADOPT) @$(ECHO) -l api860 >> $(LOADOPT) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECHO = @echo LOADOPT = load.opt RTXCLIB = $(RTXCROOT)\lib -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSTACNTL, api860 (I belive they are system files but iam not sure ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Does any one has solution .if u want more of the makefile plz let me know i will provide it