Hi, it's my first post. I really need help with video for windows (vfw). I have a program that render frames win dx9 and generate audio with DirectSound. I want to make a "movie" from the program. As i said im using vfw and Microsoft Video 1 codec and have lame dll wich encode video and audio. The thing is that i don't know how to mux the mp3 audio into the avi file. I have tried using AVIFileCreateStream() and in conjuntion with AVIMakeCompressedStream() but no success. Maybe im doing something wrong filling the structures. Since vfw is so poorly documented i don't know what to do. I have googled a lot and im still here after 3 days without getting a satisfactory result. I can "record" video well when i strip audio code, video is playable, but no audio. I hope someone can help me...
I don't know if it will help or not, but some time ago, I found this site for dealing with AVIs using WinAPI. I don't believe it muxes mp3, but I never got that far. It has brief but fairly complete examples. Good Luck.