Multiplication with OpenGL

Discussion in 'C++' started by Balex, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. Balex

    Balex New Member

    Jun 13, 2013
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    Hi guys,

    I am a newbie on OpenGL and i have to create a presenation about GPu techniques. So i thought want to compare a matrix multiplication on different APIs. Now to OpenGL:

    I have searched for a while but i couldnt find anything... So my question: In general, is it possible to calculate a standard matrix times matrix multiplication with opengl? I want to calculate M=MxM on GPU, not on CPU!

    I dont want to create windows/scenes or any kind of geometric figures etc. Can you help me with some little advices?

    I found the 4x4-matrixclass of OpenGL, but my multiplication shoud be like 1000x1000 or bigger ... so is there any kind of possibilty to realize this MM on a simple way in C++?

    Best regards
    Alex :pimp:

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