Multiple instances of ole server

Discussion in 'C' started by painulyarun, Jul 17, 2008.

  1. painulyarun

    painulyarun New Member

    Jul 17, 2008
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    I am using VB application as OLE Client (VB form with ole container) and OLE server (out-process - exe) as VC++ ATL (exe) application. OLE server is REGCLS_SINGLEUSE. For each OLE client, OLE server instacne is getting launched and client requests are working fine. The problem is, after sometime (sporadic) second OLE server getting launched.

    What i am expecting is once the OLE Server is instantiated for OLE client, it should be there until unless OLE Client is not shutdown and there should be only one OLE Server instance running for a each OLE client.

    Please suggest what could be the problem. thanks for ur help.

    ~ Arun

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