Hi all new to the site and as the name implies, I am a script noob. Most my experience has been via Google and modifying scripts for my needs. I'm usually pretty good about finding what I need but I have this script and I cannot for the life of me, find how to make it work. What I am trying to do: 1.) first search a folder (c:\test) and list all files with in that folder. It also needs to do subfolders c:\test\folder1 and list its files and output this to a text file. (output1.txt) 2.) At the same time of the search look for any file names with special characters ($, #, @ in the name so #myfile.xdoc or @document1.xls) If any files with special characters are found, rename them by removing the special character and output to a separate text file. (specialfiles.txt) 4.) Lastly, re-scan again and output to file (finalout.txt) So for I have this: On Error Resume Next Const WINDOW_HANDLE = 0 Const BIF_EDITBOX = &H10 Const BIF_NONEWFOLDER = &H0200 Const BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS = &H1 Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application") Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") '**Browse For Folder To Be Processed strPrompt = "Please select the folder to process." intOptions = BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS + BIF_NONEWFOLDER + BIF_EDITBOX strFolderPath = "C:\TestFolder\" Set objNewFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strFolderPath & "\preODfilelist.txt", True) Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strFolderPath) Set objColFiles = objFolder.Files ' CHANGE STARTS HERE : Set objColFolders = objFolder.SubFolders For Each tfolder In objColFolders objNewFile.WriteLine(tfolder.Name) Next ' CHANGE DONE. For Each file In objColFiles objNewFile.WriteLine(file.Name) Next objNewFile.Close '**Browse4Folder Function Function Browse4Folder(strPrompt, intOptions, strRoot) Dim objFolder, objFolderItem On Error Resume Next Set objFolder = objShell.BrowseForFolder(0, strPrompt, intOptions, strRoot) If (objFolder Is Nothing) Then Wscript.Quit End If Set objFolderItem = objFolder.Self Browse4Folder = objFolderItem.Path Set objFolderItem = Nothing Set objFolder = Nothing End Function and my output is the following: *note the sub folders are not listing any of its files* New folder New folder (2) New folder (3) New folder (4) #New Text Document (5).txt @New Microsoft Word Document.docx DellStorage_SC4020_Spec_Sheet_030714.pdf Dell_Compellent_Flash_Optimized_Data_Progression_Whitepaper.pdf FluidFS_in_a_Multi-protocol_Environment_101613.pdf New Microsoft Excel Worksheet (2).xlsx New Microsoft Excel Worksheet.xlsx New Microsoft Word Document (2).docx New Text Document (2).txt New Text Document (3).txt New Text Document (4).txt New Text Document.txt preODfilelist.txt This is where I am stuck. this article (G4E/articles/list-files-folder-using-vbscript-t927/page3) was extremely helpfully for step 1 but I'm stuck now Any help would be greatly appreciated Hopefully I provided enough information