Code: #include<string.h> #include<math.h> #include<conio.h> #include<iostream.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<iomanip.h> typedef char mon[44]; mon m[]={ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" }; class table { char c1,c,c2,c3,c4,c5; public: void showtable(); }; void table::showtable() { c1=218;c=179;c2=196;c3=191;c4=217;c5=192; gotoxy(1,1); cout<<"Salary and wages sheet for the Month"; gotoxy(72,1); cout<<"Unit-II"; gotoxy(2,3); cout<<"S."; gotoxy(2,4); cout<<"No"; for(int a=3;a<=24;a++) { gotoxy(4,a); cout<<c; } gotoxy(10,3); cout<<"Name"; for(a=3;a<=24;a++) { gotoxy(18,a); cout<<c; } gotoxy(19,3); cout<<"T.No"; for(a=3;a<=24;a++) { gotoxy(23,a); cout<<c; } gotoxy(25,3); cout<<"Rate"; for(a=3;a<=24;a++) { gotoxy(30,a); cout<<c; } gotoxy(31,3); cout<<"Days"; for(a=3;a<=24;a++) { gotoxy(35,a); cout<<c; } gotoxy(37,3); cout<<"Sal"; for(a=3;a<=24;a++) { gotoxy(43,a); cout<<c; } gotoxy(44,3); cout<<"O.T"; for(a=3;a<=24;a++) { gotoxy(48,a); cout<<c; } gotoxy(51,3); cout<<"O.T"; gotoxy(51,4); cout<<"Sal"; for(a=3;a<=24;a++) { gotoxy(57,a); cout<<c; } gotoxy(58,3); cout<<"Add"; for(a=3;a<=24;a++) { gotoxy(62,a); cout<<c; } gotoxy(65,3); cout<<"Net"; for(a=3;a<=24;a++) { gotoxy(72,a); cout<<c; } gotoxy(73,3); cout<<"Sign."; } void box(int x,int y,int xx,int yy) { gotoxy(x,y); printf("%c",218); gotoxy(xx,y); printf("%c",191); gotoxy(x,yy); printf("%c",192); gotoxy(xx,yy); printf("%c",217); x++; for(int s=x;s<xx;s++) { gotoxy(s,y); printf("%c",196); gotoxy(s,yy); printf("%c",196); } x--; y++; for(int d=y;d<yy;d++) { gotoxy(x,d); printf("%c",179); gotoxy(xx,d); printf("%c",179); } y+=2; x++; /*for(d=x;d<xx;d++) { gotoxy(d,y); printf("%c",196); } */ } void normalvideo(int x,int y,char s[44]) { gotoxy(x,y); cprintf("%s",s); } void reversevideo(int x,int y,char s[44]) { textcolor(5+143); textbackground(3); gotoxy(x,y); cprintf("%s",s); textcolor(BLUE); textbackground(GREEN); } class date { public: int month,year; void entermonth(); void enteryear(); int returnmonth(); int returnyear(); }; class personid { double rate,token; int sno; char name[33]; public: void readfile(); void addtopersonid(int,char[20],double,double); int returnserialpersonid(); void deletepersonid(double); double returntokensno(double); char *returnname(double); double returnrate(double); int valid(double); int token_valid(double); int token_valid2(double,double); void modify_record(double); void modified(int,char[20],double,double); }; class rec { char name[33]; double token,rate,days,sal,ot,otsal,deduct,add,net; int sno; public: int returnsno(int,int); void addrec(); void addtofile(int,char[20],double,double,double,double,double,double, double,double,double,int,int); void deletefromfile(int,int,double); void readfile(); void menu(); int monno(); void indi_record(); }; void personid::addtopersonid(int s,char a[20],double d, double r) { sno=s; strcpy(name,a); token=d; rate=r; fstream f;"Pers",ios::out|ios::app); f.write((char*)this,sizeof(personid)); f.close(); } void personid::readfile() { rec rr; int count=0; fstream f;"Pers",ios::in); f.seekg(0); start: int r=6; while(*)this,sizeof(personid))) { count++; gotoxy(3,4); cout<<"S.No"; gotoxy(12,4); cout<<"Name"; gotoxy(32,4); cout<<"Token"; gotoxy(45,4); cout<<"Rate"; gotoxy(3,r); cout<<sno; gotoxy(12,r); cout<<name; gotoxy(32,r); cout<<token; gotoxy(45,r); cout<<rate; r+=2; if(r==26) { getch(); clrscr(); goto start; } } if(count==0) { gotoxy(24,4); cout<<"No record found"; } f.clear(); f.close(); } double personid::returntokensno(double t) { double s=0; fstream f;"Pers",ios::in); f.seekg(0); while(*)this,sizeof(personid))) { if(t==token) { s=sno; break; } } f.clear(); f.close(); return(s); } void personid::deletepersonid(double t) { int count=0; rec r; fstream f,ff;"Pers",ios::in); while(*)this,sizeof(personid))) { if(t==token) { count++; } } f.clear(); f.close(); if(count==0) { cout<<"There is no such token number"; } else { double sn=returntokensno(t);"Temp",ios::out);"Pers",ios::in); ff.seekg(0); while(!ff.eof()) {*)this,sizeof(personid)); if(ff.eof()) break; if(token!=t) { //f.write((char*)this,sizeof(personid)); if(sno>sn) { sno--; f.write((char*)this,sizeof(personid)); } else { f.write((char*)this,sizeof(personid)); } } } f.close(); ff.clear(); ff.close();"Temp",ios::in);"Pers",ios::out); f.seekg(0); while(!f.eof()) {*)this,sizeof(personid)); if(f.eof()) break; ff.write((char*)this,sizeof(personid)); } f.clear(); f.close(); ff.close(); } } int personid::returnserialpersonid() { int w=0; fstream f;"Pers",ios::in); f.seekg(0); while(*)this,sizeof(personid))) { w=sno; } f.clear(); f.close(); return(w); } char *personid::returnname(double t) { char indi_name[20]; fstream f;"Pers",ios::in); f.seekg(0); while(*)this,sizeof(personid))) { if(t==token) { strcpy(indi_name,name); } } f.close(); f.clear(); return(indi_name); } double personid::returnrate(double t) { double r; fstream f;"Pers",ios::in); f.seekg(0); while(*)this,sizeof(personid))) { if(t==token) { r=rate; } } f.clear(); f.close(); return(r); } int personid::valid(double t) { int c=0; fstream f;"Pers",ios::in); f.seekg(0); while(*)this,sizeof(personid))) { if(t==token) { c++; } } f.clear(); f.close(); if(c==1) return 1; else return 0; } int personid::token_valid(double t) { int c=0; fstream f;"Pers",ios::in); f.seekg(0); while(*)this,sizeof(personid))) { if(t==token) { c++; } } f.clear(); f.close(); if(c==0) return 1; else return 0; } int personid::token_valid2(double t,double tt) { int c=0; fstream f;"Pers",ios::in); f.seekg(0); while(*)this,sizeof(personid))) { if(t!=tt&&tt==token) { c++; } } f.clear(); f.close(); if(c==0) return 1; else return 0; } void personid::modify_record(double t) { rec r; if(!valid(t)) { clrscr(); gotoxy(33,7); cout<<"No such token number exist"; } else { clrscr(); int sn=returntokensno(t); char a[20],s[20]; double tok,rat; gotoxy(3,5); strcpy(a,returnname(t)); cout<<"Name = "<<a; gotoxy(3,7); cout<<"Rate = "<<returnrate(t); gotoxy(26,12); cout<<"Enter Name = "; gotoxy(26,14); cout<<"Enter Token = "; gotoxy(26,16); cout<<"Enter Rate = "; gotoxy(40,12); cin>>s; double h,first,second,items[20]; int x=0,num,v,g,no[4]; char cc; int row=14,col=40; for(int ss=0;ss<=1;ss++) { s2: x=0; col=40; sss: gotoxy(col,row); do { cc=getch(); if(cc==8&&x==0) { gotoxy(40,14); goto s2; } else if(cc==8) { x--; col--; gotoxy(col,row); cout<<" "; goto sss; } else if(cc==113||cc==81) { clrscr();; } cout<<cc; col++; num=-1; for(v=48;v<=57;v++) { num++; if(cc==v) { no[x++]=num; break; } } }while(cc!=13&&cc!=46); if(cc==46) { g=x-1;h=0; for(v=0;v<x;v++) { h=h+no[v]*pow(10,g); g--; } first=h; s3: x=0; //col=25; ssss: gotoxy(col,row); do { cc=getch(); if(cc==72) { gotoxy(40,row); cout<<" "; row-=2; gotoxy(40,row); cout<<" "; ss--; goto s3; } else if(cc==8&&x==0) { gotoxy(40,14); goto s3; } else if(cc==8) { x--; col--; gotoxy(col,row); cout<<" "; goto ssss; } else if(cc==113||cc==81) { clrscr();; } cout<<cc; col++; num=-1; for(v=48;v<=57;v++) { num++; if(cc==v) { no[x++]=num; break; } } }while(cc!=13); g=x-1;h=0; for(v=0;v<x;v++) { h=h+no[v]*pow(10,g); g--; } second=h; second=second/(pow(10,x)); items[ss]=first+second; } else { double g=x-1,h=0; for(v=0;v<x;v++) { h=h+no[v]*pow(10,g); g--; } items[ss]=h; } if(ss==0) { if(!token_valid2(t,items[0])) { clrscr(); gotoxy(25,7); cout<<"That Token number is already in use"; getch();; } } row+=2; } char hh; do { gotoxy(48,5); cout<<"Want to add record: -"; gotoxy(50,7); cout<<"Press y for yes"; gotoxy(50,9); cout<<"Press n for no"; gotoxy(68,8); hh=getch(); if(hh!='y'&&hh!='n'&&hh!='Y'&&hh!='N') { gotoxy(68,8); cout<<" "; } else { gotoxy(68,8); cout<<hh; getch(); } }while(hh!='y'&&hh!='n'&&hh!='Y'&&hh!='N'); if(hh=='y'||hh=='Y') { modified(sn,s,items[0],items[1]); clrscr(); gotoxy(33,4); cout<<"Record Modified"; } } } void personid::modified(int sn,char n[20],double t,double r) { sno=sn; strcpy(name,n); token=t; rate=r; fstream f;"Pers",ios::out|ios::ate); f.seekp((sn-1)*sizeof(personid)); f.write((char*)this,sizeof(personid)); } void rec::readfile() { date d; int month=d.returnmonth(); int year= d.returnyear(); if(month==0&&year==0) { clrscr(); gotoxy(15,5); cout<<"First select month and enter year from the main menu"; getch(); clrscr(); menu(); } else if(year==0) { clrscr(); gotoxy(5,3); cout<<"Month="<<m[d.month-1]; gotoxy(20,5); cout<<"First please enter year"; getch(); clrscr(); menu(); } else if(month==0) { clrscr(); gotoxy(5,3); cout<<"Year="<<d.year; gotoxy(20,5); cout<<"First please enter month"; getch(); clrscr(); menu(); } else { table t; char s[20],ss[20]; itoa(month,s,10); itoa(year,ss,10); strcat(s,ss); //cout<<s;getch(); fstream f;,ios::in); f.seekg(0); int count=0; start: int r=6; while(*)this,sizeof(rec))) { box(1,2,79,25); for(int dd=2;dd<79;dd++) { gotoxy(dd,5); printf("%c",196); } t.showtable(); gotoxy(38,1); cout<<m[month-1]; cout<<" and year "; cout<<year; count++; gotoxy(2,r); cout<<sno; gotoxy(5,r); cout<<name; gotoxy(19,r); cout<<token; gotoxy(24,r); cout<<rate; gotoxy(31,r); cout<<days; gotoxy(36,r); cout<<sal; gotoxy(44,r); cout<<ot; gotoxy(49,r); cout<<otsal; gotoxy(58,r); cout<<add; gotoxy(63,r); cout.setf(ios::fixed); cout<<setprecision(2)<<net; r++; for(int ddd=2;ddd<79;ddd++) { gotoxy(ddd,r); printf("%c",196); } r++; if(r==26) { getch(); clrscr(); goto start; } } if(count==0) { gotoxy(24,4); cout<<"No record found for "<<m[month-1]<<" "<<year; getch(); clrscr(); menu(); } f.clear(); f.close(); } } void rec::addtofile(int nn,char n[20],double t,double r,double d,double sa, double over,double oversal,double a,double dd,double ne,int m,int y) { sno=nn; strcpy(name,n); token=t; rate=r; days=d; sal=sa; ot=over; otsal=oversal; add=a; deduct=dd; net=ne; char s[20],ss[20]; itoa(m,s,10); itoa(y,ss,10); strcat(s,ss); fstream f;,ios::out|ios::app); f.write((char*)this,sizeof(rec)); f.close(); //cout<<s;getch(); } void rec::deletefromfile(int month,int year,double t) { char s[20],ss[20]; itoa(month,s,10); itoa(year,ss,10); strcat(s,ss); fstream f,ff;,ios::in);"abc",ios::out); f.seekg(0); while(!f.eof()) {*)this,sizeof(rec)); if(f.eof()) break; if(token!=t) ff.write((char*)this,sizeof(rec)); } f.clear(); f.close(); ff.close();,ios::out);"abc",ios::in); ff.seekg(0); while(!ff.eof()) {*)this,sizeof(rec)); if(ff.eof()) break; if(token!=t) f.write((char*)this,sizeof(rec)); } ff.clear(); ff.close(); f.close(); } int date::returnyear() { int y=0; fstream f;"year",ios::in); f.seekg(0); while(*)this,sizeof(date))) { y=year; } f.clear(); f.close(); return (y); } int date::returnmonth() { int s=0; fstream f;"month",ios::in); f.seekg(0); while(*)this,sizeof(date))) { s=month; } f.clear(); f.close(); return (s); } void date::entermonth() { int s=0,d; rec r; d=r.monno(); month=s+d; fstream f;"month",ios::trunc|ios::out); f.write((char*)this,sizeof(date)); f.close(); } void date::enteryear() { start: textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(BLACK); clrscr(); rec r; gotoxy(10,3); cout<<"Enter year"; char w; int y1,y2,y3,y4,s,a; gotoxy(22,4); w=getch(); if(w==27) { clrscr();; } cout<<w; y1=int(w); s=-1; for(a=48;a<=57;a++) { s++; if(a==y1) break; } y1=s; if(y1!=2) { clrscr(); gotoxy(27,10); cout<<"Please enter year between 2000-2099"; getch(); clrscr(); goto start; } gotoxy(23,4); w=getch(); if(w==27) { clrscr();; } cout<<w; y2=int(w); s=-1; for(a=48;a<=57;a++) { s++; if(a==y2) break; } y2=s; gotoxy(24,4); w=getch(); if(w==27) { clrscr();; } cout<<w; y3=int(w); s=-1; for(a=48;a<=57;a++) { s++; if(a==y3) break; } y3=s; gotoxy(25,4); w=getch(); if(w==27) { clrscr();; } cout<<w; y4=int(w); s=-1; for(a=48;a<=57;a++) { s++; if(a==y4) break; } y4=s; year=(y1*1000)+(y2*100)+(y3*10)+y4; fstream f;"year",ios::out); f.write((char*)this,sizeof(date)); f.close(); } int rec::returnsno(int month,int year) { char s[10],ss[10]; itoa(month,s,10); itoa(year,ss,10); strcat(s,ss); fstream f;,ios::in); f.seekg(0); int w=0; while(*)this,sizeof(rec))) { w=sno; } f.clear(); f.close(); return(w); } void rec::indi_record() { start: date d; int month=d.returnmonth(); int year= d.returnyear(); char s[20],ss[20]; itoa(month,s,10); itoa(year,ss,10); strcat(s,ss); if(month==0&&year==0) { clrscr(); gotoxy(15,5); cout<<"First select month and enter year from the main menu"; getch(); clrscr(); menu(); } else if(year==0) { clrscr(); gotoxy(5,3); cout<<"Month="<<m[d.month-1]; gotoxy(20,5); cout<<"First please enter year"; getch(); clrscr(); menu(); } else if(month==0) { clrscr(); gotoxy(5,3); cout<<"Year="<<d.year; gotoxy(20,5); cout<<"First please enter month"; getch(); clrscr(); menu(); } else { personid pi; int ssno=returnsno(month,year); ssno++; int sn=pi.returnserialpersonid(); sn++; textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(BLACK); clrscr(); gotoxy(20,2); cout<<m[month-1]; char cc; box(9,2,45,20); gotoxy(60,2); cout<<m[month-1]<<","<<year; gotoxy(26,4); cout<<"Enter"; gotoxy(12,6); cout<<"Name"; gotoxy(12,8); cout<<"T.No."; gotoxy(12,10); cout<<"Rate"; gotoxy(12,12); cout<<"Days"; gotoxy(12,14); cout<<"OT"; gotoxy(12,16); cout<<"Deduction"; gotoxy(12,18); cout<<"Add"; int cou=0; double tok; do { gotoxy(25,8); cout<<"Enter token number"; getch(); cou++; }while(cou!=1); start2: gotoxy(10,22); cout<<" "; gotoxy(25,8); cout<<" "; gotoxy(25,10); cout<<" "; gotoxy(25,8); cin>>tok; char abc[20]; if(!pi.valid(tok)) { gotoxy(25,8); cout<<"No such token number"; gotoxy(25,10); cout<<"exist in the record"; gotoxy(10,22); cout<<"Exit = 'Menu'"; gotoxy(26,22); cout<<"Continue = 'Any Key'"; cc=getch(); if(cc==27) { menu(); } goto start2; } else { gotoxy(10,22); cout<<" "; gotoxy(25,6); strcpy(abc,pi.returnname(tok)); cout<<abc; gotoxy(25,10); cout<<pi.returnrate(tok); } char nname[20]; int ddays; int col=25,row=6; if(month==1||month==3||month==5||month==7||month==8||month==10||month==12) { ddays=31; } else if(month==4||month==6||month==9||month==11) { ddays=30; } else if(month==2) { if((year%4)==0) { ddays=29; } else { ddays=28; } } double first,second,g,h,aa,x,v,num,no[20],items[6]={0},column[22]; verystart: row=12;col=25; for(int ss=0;ss<=3;ss++) { s2: x=0; col=25; sss: gotoxy(col,row); do { cc=getch(); if(cc==27) { clrscr(); goto start; } if(ss!=0) { if(cc==72) { gotoxy(25,row); cout<<" "; row-=2; gotoxy(25,row); cout<<" "; aa=items[ss]; ss--; items[ss+1]=aa; goto s2; } } else if(cc==8&&x==0) { gotoxy(25,12); goto s2; } else if(cc==8) { x--; col--; gotoxy(col,row); cout<<" "; goto sss; } else if(cc==113||cc==81) { clrscr(); menu(); } cout<<cc; col++; num=-1; for(v=48;v<=57;v++) { num++; if(cc==v) { no[x++]=num; break; } } }while(cc!=13&&cc!=46); if(cc==46) { g=x-1;h=0; for(v=0;v<x;v++) { h=h+no[v]*pow(10,g); g--; } first=h; s3: x=0; //col=25; ssss: gotoxy(col,row); do { cc=getch(); if(cc==27) { clrscr(); goto start; } else if(cc==72) { gotoxy(25,row); cout<<" "; row-=2; gotoxy(25,row); cout<<" "; aa=items[ss]; ss--; items[ss+1]=aa; goto s3; } else if(cc==8) { x--; col--; gotoxy(col,row); cout<<" "; goto ssss; } else if(cc==113||cc==81) { clrscr(); menu(); } cout<<cc; col++; num=-1; for(v=48;v<=57;v++) { num++; if(cc==v) { no[x++]=num; break; } } }while(cc!=13); g=x-1;h=0; for(v=0;v<x;v++) { h=h+no[v]*pow(10,g); g--; } second=h; second=second/(pow(10,x)); items[ss]=first+second; } else { double g=x-1,h=0; for(v=0;v<x;v++) { h=h+no[v]*pow(10,g); g--; } items[ss]=h; } //gotoxy(35,row); //cout<<items[ss]; row+=2; column[ss]=col; if(ss==0) { if(items[ss]>ddays) { ss--; gotoxy(25,12); cout<<m[month-1]<<" month has"; gotoxy(25,14); cout<<"only "<<ddays<<" days"; getch(); gotoxy(25,12); cout<<" "; gotoxy(25,14); cout<<" "; row-=2; } } } gotoxy(35,12); cout<<items[0]; gotoxy(35,14); cout<<items[1]; gotoxy(35,16); cout<<items[2]; gotoxy(35,18); cout<<items[3]; double day=pi.returnrate(tok)/ddays; double dddays=items[0]; double ssal=dddays*day; double oot=items[1]; double overtimesal=day/8; double ootsal=oot*overtimesal; double ddeduct=items[2]; double aadd=items[3]; double nnet=ssal+ootsal+aadd-ddeduct; gotoxy(40,40); cout<<nnet; char hh; do { gotoxy(48,5); cout<<"Want to add record: -"; gotoxy(50,7); cout<<"Press y for yes"; gotoxy(50,9); cout<<"Press n for no"; gotoxy(68,8); hh=getch(); if(hh!='y'&&hh!='n'&&hh!='Y'&&hh!='N') { gotoxy(68,8); cout<<" "; } else { gotoxy(68,8); cout<<hh; getch(); } }while(hh!='y'&&hh!='n'&&hh!='Y'&&hh!='N'); if(hh=='y'||hh=='Y') { addtofile(ssno,pi.returnname(tok),tok,pi.returnrate(tok),dddays,ssal,oot,ootsal,aadd,ddeduct,nnet, month,year); //pi.addtopersonid(sn,nname,ttoken,rrate); } clrscr(); gotoxy(15,30); cout<<"<Enter>=Continue"; gotoxy(50,30); cout<<"Escape=<Esc>"; do { hh=getch(); }while(hh!=13&&hh!=27); if(hh==13) goto start; else if(hh==27) menu(); } } void rec::addrec() { start: date d; int month=d.returnmonth(); int year= d.returnyear(); char s[20],ss[20]; itoa(month,s,10); itoa(year,ss,10); strcat(s,ss); if(month==0&&year==0) { clrscr(); gotoxy(15,5); cout<<"First select month and enter year from the main menu"; getch(); clrscr(); menu(); } else if(year==0) { clrscr(); gotoxy(5,3); cout<<"Month="<<m[d.month-1]; gotoxy(20,5); cout<<"First please enter year"; getch(); clrscr(); menu(); } else if(month==0) { clrscr(); gotoxy(5,3); cout<<"Year="<<d.year; gotoxy(20,5); cout<<"First please enter month"; getch(); clrscr(); menu(); } else { personid pi; int ssno=returnsno(month,year); ssno++; if(ssno==1) { addtofile(0,"Gaurav",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,month,year); deletefromfile(month,year,0); } int sn=pi.returnserialpersonid(); sn++; if(sn==1) { pi.addtopersonid(0,"Anil",0,0); pi.deletepersonid(0); } textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(BLACK); clrscr(); gotoxy(20,2); cout<<m[month-1]; char cc; box(9,2,45,20); gotoxy(60,2); cout<<m[month-1]<<","<<year; gotoxy(26,4); cout<<"Enter"; gotoxy(12,6); cout<<"Name"; gotoxy(12,8); cout<<"T.No."; gotoxy(12,10); cout<<"Rate"; gotoxy(12,12); cout<<"Days"; gotoxy(12,14); cout<<"OT"; gotoxy(12,16); cout<<"Deduction"; gotoxy(12,18); cout<<"Add"; int col=25,row=6; /*do { gotoxy(col,row); cc=getch(); cout<<cc; a[c++]=cc; col++; if(cc==27) { clrscr(); goto start; } else if(cc==113||cc==81) { clrscr(); menu(); } }while(cc!=13);*/ char nname[20]; gotoxy(col,row); gets(nname); int ddays; if(month==1||month==3||month==5||month==7||month==8||month==10||month==12) { ddays=31; } else if(month==4||month==6||month==9||month==11) { ddays=30; } else if(month==2) { if((year%4)==0) { ddays=29; } else { ddays=28; } } double first,second,g,h,aa,x,v,num,no[20],items[6]={0},column[22]; verystart: row=8;col=25; for(int ss=0;ss<=5;ss++) { s2: x=0; col=25; sss: gotoxy(col,row); do { cc=getch(); if(cc==27) { clrscr(); goto start; } else if(cc==72) { gotoxy(25,row); cout<<" "; row-=2; gotoxy(25,row); cout<<" "; aa=items[ss]; ss--; items[ss+1]=aa; goto s2; } else if(cc==8&&x==0) { gotoxy(25,12); goto s2; } else if(cc==8) { x--; col--; gotoxy(col,row); cout<<" "; goto sss; } else if(cc==113||cc==81) { clrscr(); menu(); } cout<<cc; col++; num=-1; for(v=48;v<=57;v++) { num++; if(cc==v) { no[x++]=num; break; } } }while(cc!=13&&cc!=46); if(cc==46) { g=x-1;h=0; for(v=0;v<x;v++) { h=h+no[v]*pow(10,g); g--; } first=h; s3: x=0; //col=25; ssss: gotoxy(col,row); do { cc=getch(); if(cc==27) { clrscr(); goto start; } else if(cc==72) { gotoxy(25,row); cout<<" "; row-=2; gotoxy(25,row); cout<<" "; aa=items[ss]; ss--; items[ss+1]=aa; goto s3; } else if(cc==8) { x--; col--; gotoxy(col,row); cout<<" "; goto ssss; } else if(cc==113||cc==81) { clrscr(); menu(); } cout<<cc; col++; num=-1; for(v=48;v<=57;v++) { num++; if(cc==v) { no[x++]=num; break; } } }while(cc!=13); g=x-1;h=0; for(v=0;v<x;v++) { h=h+no[v]*pow(10,g); g--; } second=h; second=second/(pow(10,x)); items[ss]=first+second; } else { double g=x-1,h=0; for(v=0;v<x;v++) { h=h+no[v]*pow(10,g); g--; } items[ss]=h; } //gotoxy(35,row); //cout<<items[ss]; row+=2; column[ss]=col; if(ss==2) { if(items[ss]>ddays) { ss--; gotoxy(25,12); cout<<m[month-1]<<" month has"; gotoxy(25,14); cout<<"only "<<ddays<<" days"; getch(); gotoxy(25,12); cout<<" "; gotoxy(25,14); cout<<" "; row-=2; } } if(!pi.token_valid(items[0])) { gotoxy(25,8); cout<<"That Token number"; gotoxy(25,10);cout<<"is already in use"; getch(); //break; gotoxy(25,8); cout<<" "; gotoxy(25,10); cout<<" "; goto verystart; } } gotoxy(35,8); cout<<items[0]; gotoxy(35,10); cout<<items[1]; gotoxy(35,12); cout<<items[2]; gotoxy(35,14); cout<<items[3]; gotoxy(35,16); cout<<items[4]; gotoxy(35,18); cout<<items[5]; double ttoken=items[0]; double rrate=items[1]; double day=rrate/ddays; double dddays=items[2]; double ssal=dddays*day; double oot=items[3]; double overtimesal=day/8; double ootsal=oot*overtimesal; double ddeduct=items[4]; double aadd=items[5]; double nnet=ssal+ootsal+aadd-ddeduct; gotoxy(40,40); cout<<nnet; char hh; do { gotoxy(48,5); cout<<"Want to add record: -"; gotoxy(50,7); cout<<"Press y for yes"; gotoxy(50,9); cout<<"Press n for no"; gotoxy(68,8); hh=getch(); if(hh!='y'&&hh!='n'&&hh!='Y'&&hh!='N') { gotoxy(68,8); cout<<" "; } else { gotoxy(68,8); cout<<hh; } }while(hh!='y'&&hh!='n'&&hh!='Y'&&hh!='N'); if(hh=='y'||hh=='Y') { getch(); addtofile(ssno,nname,ttoken,rrate,dddays,ssal,oot,ootsal,aadd,ddeduct,nnet, month,year); pi.addtopersonid(sn,nname,ttoken,rrate); } } } int rec::monno() { rec re; textcolor(BLUE); textbackground(GREEN); box(19,1,29,25); int c=20; for(int s=0,r=2;r<=24;r+=2,s++) { normalvideo(c,r,m[s]); } reversevideo(c,2,m[0]); r=2; s=0; int v=0; int k; do { k=getch(); switch(k) { case 00: k=getch(); switch(k) { case 80: normalvideo(20,r,m[s]); r+=2; s++; if(s==12) { r=2; s=0; } reversevideo(20,r,m[s]); break; case 72: normalvideo(20,r,m[s]); r-=2; s--; if(s<0) { r=24; s=11; } reversevideo(20,r,m[s]); break; } break; case 13: v=1; break; case 27: v=1;; }}while(v!=1); return(s+1); } typedef char option[44]; option o[]={ "What you want to do", "Enter New Record", "Enter Individual Record", "View Month Record", "View Person Record", "Delete Individual Record", "Modify Individual Record", "Enter month", "Enter year", "Exit" }; int options() { box(30,2,55,24); for(int d=31;d<55;d++) { gotoxy(d,5); printf("%c",196); } textcolor(BLUE); textbackground(GREEN); for(int s=0,r=4;r<=22;r+=2,s++) { normalvideo(31,r,o[s]); } reversevideo(31,6,o[1]); s=1; r=6; int v=0; int k; do { k=getch(); switch(k) { case 00: k=getch(); switch(k) { case 80: normalvideo(31,r,o[s]); r+=2; s++; if(r==24) { r=6; s=1; } reversevideo(31,r,o[s]); break; case 72: normalvideo(31,r,o[s]); r-=2; s--; if(r==4) { r=22; s=9; } reversevideo(31,r,o[s]); break; } break; case 13: v=1; }}while(v!=1); return(s); } void rec::menu() { personid p; textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(BLACK); clrscr(); date d; int month=d.returnmonth(); int year=d.returnyear(); int o; table t; rec r; o=options(); switch(o) { case 1: textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(BLACK); clrscr(); r.addrec();; break; case 2: textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(BLACK); clrscr(); r.indi_record(); getch(); clrscr();; break; case 3: textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(BLACK); clrscr(); readfile(); getch(); menu(); break; case 4: textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(BLACK); clrscr(); p.readfile(); getch(); clrscr(); menu(); break; case 5: textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(BLACK); clrscr(); gotoxy(4,3); cout<<"Enter token number of a row to be deleted"; double t; gotoxy(46,3); cin>>t; textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(BLACK); clrscr(); p.deletepersonid(t); getch(); clrscr(); menu(); break; case 6: textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(BLACK); clrscr(); gotoxy(3,4); cout<<"Enter token number of which the record is to be modified"; double tt; gotoxy(60,4); cin>>tt; p.modify_record(tt); getch(); clrscr(); menu(); break; case 7: date d; textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(BLACK); clrscr(); d.entermonth(); clrscr(); menu(); break; case 8: d.enteryear(); clrscr(); menu(); break; case 9: exit(0); break; } } void main() { clrscr(); rec r;; }