Hi I am new to this forum . In these days I am trying to develop the Phone Directory Application in MFC . And I am New to the MFC . I have some Questions that i want all of you to answer according to your work experience. 1-> First Of all the designing that i want when the applications starts then the at first the titile of the phone Directory is displaces on the First Window which is our Main Window. 2-> Second I want when i Click Some Menu Entry Like Search Phoen Num then on clicking it another Window get Displaced Similary in this way many other other windows get diplaced on pressing the Menu enteries according to their name and functionality. Actually i am stuck in that how this is possible , if some one have knowledge about that please help me , and i beleive that there are knowledgeable person in that forums i hope from them to guide me to the right way as i am Beginner to the MFC . Thanks Muhammad Ahsan Email:ahsanm45@yahoo.com
Hi, you can try this with MDI application, if you have VS2008 then Create new project and starts with MDI appliation..........