Hi let's say I have two database tables FruitsTable Id..........name..........color 13..........a..................green 25..........k..................yellow 32..........o..................red VegetablesTable Id..........name..........color 13..........d..................green 25..........g..................white 32...........l..................red now can I do that ? PHP: <?php $fields="Id,name"; $tables="FruitsTable,VegetablesTabes"; $conditions="color in 'green,red'"; $sql="SELECT $fields FROM $tables WHERE $conditions"; ?> error: Id is ambiguous !!
No you cannot do that and you are surely to get that error. Can you tell me what does Id mean in your $fields variable. I mean for which table it refer to. I cannot get that and so should the database will not be. Make it explicit like "FruitsTable.Id" or "VegetablesTabes.Id";