How do you measure keyword density on your pages? Personally, I just count the number of times my keyword shows up. My count is done while viewing the code, so I can see inside meta tags etc. Is there a better way?
Hello, The basic method consists of measuring the number of times a keyword appears on the page as a percentage of the total word count of that page.
Keyword density is a way to measure how many times you use your key phrase in your content.To measure it put in a simplistic formula and think about how many words on your page there are. Divide that into the number of times use your key phrase, and multiply by 100%.You will get correct keyword density.
There are 2 ways of calculating density. The basic method consists of measuring the number of times a keyword appears on the page as a percentage of the total word count of that page. The complex method consists of measuring keyword density of the page plus the text components in meta tags: Title, Keywords, Alt Text, Description, and Comments. Most SEOs refer to the first method when talking about keyword density though. Keyword density can be very beneficial when done right, but it can also have a very negative influence when overdone. This is known as "keyword stuffing". When you stuff keywords in your page, this will be detected and your site will get penalized for doing so. This could go as far as getting your entire site blacklisted from a particular search engine, if you are found keyword stuffing too many times. I hope you like the information!
Keyword density should be 2 to 3%. Means if your content contain 100 words then keyword should be 2 or 3 not more than that.
If you have SBI it counts it for you but I like to see all the words and their density so I double check my pages with: Absolutely the best analyzer I have ever tried and I have tried a lot!
It is easy to lose sight of your customers when doing keyword research by relying on tools. These tools are not going to spend money with your company; tools just show you the most popular phrases regardless if your customer’s actually use these words or not. One of the best sources for keyword research is your customer’s own words. Here are a few simple ways to conduct research by just examining your customer’s information. Gathering The Data The first step is to gather the data in a single place so that you can analyze the information. There are generally a few places where you can find your customers’ actual words. Email communications. Every day you receive communications from your customers. These come in the forms of contact emails, support requests, request for services, etc. These communications contain the customer’s actual words. Most companies use either forms or direct email on their website. These form fills or emails are sent to a CRM system or directly to someone’s inbox. Pulling data out of an email inbox is not an easy task. Instead, use a form system that saves the data to a database, and then forwards the information to the appropriate CRM or inbox. By taking this simple step, you can start to collect all of your customer’s communications in a single place. Blog comments. If you have a blog on your site, then you are logging comments to a database. It is a simple process to export the comments from your database. For most blogging platforms, just go to your host control panel and use the phpMyAdmin interface to export the comments. Product reviews. Many ecommerce sites allow their customers to post reviews about individual products. In general, I find reviews useful to examine; however, the words your customer’s use to name the product is often heavily skewed towards the name you gave the product on the product page. Each system has a different method for exporting reviews, so you will want to examine how the reviews are being saved in your system. Social mentions. Many social sites contain comments from your customers about your products. However, they do not always have an easy way to gather the data. If you are using a social monitoring tool, there may be a simple way to export the data. If you are not using such a tool, then the low tech approach is to use Google alerts. Set up alerts for your brand names, products, etc. and then save all of those emails in a single place. You can even have those emails auto-forwarded to a database system so they are easily aggregated into a single place. Of course, you can always just go to Twitter or another social search tool and conduct a search for your brand name and then copy and paste the results into a file.
You can use an online keyword density checker to find a good tool...:shy:
There may be two strategies by which you can measure the keyword density. the first one is you can check it manually by doing some simple steps . You are supposed to write an article on MS word by adding your key words and key word phrases and check the total no of word counts on that particular page and then find the total no of Keywords used on that particular page By using Ctrl+F shortcut and then find out the keyword density by using Calculator. Note that keyword density should not be more than 3-5% of the total word count. Rather than doing this, You may use some online keyword density checking tools for measure the keyword density.