Hi, I found this code in your site and I happy to use it. Code: Code: Dim objOutlookMsg As Object Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set objOutlookMsg = objOutlook.CreateItem(0) With objOutlookMsg .To = "name@email.com" .Cc = "name@email.com" .Subject = "Hello World (one more time)..." .Body = "This is the body of message" .HTMLBody = "HTML version of message" .Attachments.Add ("f:\Test.txt") .Send 'Let´s go! Set objOutlookMsg = Nothing Set objOutlook = Nothing End Sub I need attach more than one file in the same mail. For example I need attach all text files that are in directory. I tried to use string: .Attachments.Add ("f:\Directory\*.txt") but it did not work. Could you help me. Thank you.
You'll have to loop through the file list in a directory and add the files individually! Use the filesystem object.