Here you go. I've indented it to make it easy to see what's going on: Code: int main() { char *str01="I'm a cheating smeghead!!!\0ebahhhaagfaaghhfhfgfiehdhihbadijidgjhbhchchbheahabae"; for (int i='a';i<='z'; putchar ( ( str01[i-'a']+(25-i+2*'a')+ i-'a'-116-(((str01+27) [ (i-'a')*2]-'a')*10+((str01+27)[(i-'a')*2+1 ] -'a')))=='#'?10:(str01[i-'a' ] +(25-i+2*'a')+i-'a'-116-(((str01+27) [ (i-'a')*2]-'a')*10+((str01+27)[(i-'a')*2+1 ] -'a'))) ) ) i++;}
Hmm, it probably won't work as is; I can't seem to shift those two spaces from the middle of str01. Shabbir, does the forum split long words? If so how about NOT doing that in code blocks? str01 after the zero should be "ebahh haagf aaghh fhfgf iehdh ihbad ijidg jhbhc hchbh eahab ae", with spaces inserted after every five for the forum's benefit; remove these extra spaces before running the program otherwise it just won't work.
Take That Code: Code: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main(void) { clrscr(); for (int a=8,v=1;v<4,a>0;v++) { for(int b=1;b<a;b++) printf("&"); printf("\n"); for (int x=0;x<v;x++) printf(" "); a=a-2; } getch(); } Snap: Hope It;s Done
no, u couldn't get my point. i want to tell him rather than making advanced coding try to start from simple one.
You're right I don't get your point. These ARE simple coding tasks; there's nothing complicated about making squares, triangles etc of characters on a text mode screen. If the OP can't do these tasks then they won't be able to do more complicated ones, and the teacher won't be able to see why because they handed in a perfectly good basic task (that you wrote for him - you don't think the OP will credit you on that homework assignment do you?).
Maybe not, but lolzzz's aside (whatever they are, a semicomatose version of a lol?), you're not doing the OP any favours by handing him the answer to the question on a plate. It doesn't help him learn to program; if he's stuck it doesn't determine what he's stuck on and why, and it doesn't give him the explanation and the understanding he needs to progress. Far better to get over the not having a clue where to start at this point, rather than later on down the line in a monitored internet-free environment on a project that really matters to the final grade. The risk of handing in a plagiarised answer at this point are low, ok he'll get 10/10 for the task which may have no impact on the course but if he hands in a plagiarised solution to the final exam, penalties can be severe, from failing the module at least, to being kicked out of the establishment altogether as untrustworthy.
Nice Lecture: really nice but sorry dude (wait first i lol on it hahahahhahaha) yes now come to the point. Topic Creator Request: Is there any thing written that give me idea about making this program or what is the concept behind them or any thing related,. jst a question and i make an answer that it. But I couldn't get the point of Exploit yours mind (sorry hahahahaha)
other than the moral reasons he might want to consider trying b/c i know my professors use to google bits of code from peoples programs to see if it pops up on forums.....if you get caught for this most schools will kick you out