Hi there I am looking for someone who has abit of knowledge on programming/creatin websites. The sceanario is that I own 2 programs that I want hosting on a web page each. But I want they exe's to run actually on the website if you know what I mean. The exe's where created in VB one for which I have the code for. don't know whether this would be done using ActiveX control or something this is why im asking here! I also want login access to the website with there being a admin account and then several user accounts. The exe's are just simple one page programs that I created for helping fellow colleagues at work but I need to go that extra mile and put them on a web page instead on transferring them to everyone. i can understand this is going to take alot of effort and time so obviously you will get paid for this task as long as it is completed and working fine. Regarding payment I would like people who are intrested to email me for more information and also their qoute on how much they will charge and if you can your timescale. Payment can be made via paypal or cheque. email: browny23@gmail.com Thank you