Hi, I'm looking for a good voip provider with the following criteria: 1- High quality 2- Good price 3- Good support 4- VoiceMaster or PortaOne (portabilling) for billing system.
There are many in the market. I suggest you should draw your own spec. and make an evaluation. Some of the basic features one should look for :- o Support kinds of voice coding; o Support incoming call on show, restricting, and holding, disconnection, call transfer, call divert, DTMF, dialing project, etc; o Support conference call; o Support upgrading encrypts configuration files by TFTP or HTTP; o Features like ATA(SIP2.0), route / bridge /DHCP, Ethernet Port, FXS and other should be evaluated before buying. I purchased Broadcore Hosted VoIP PBX system and I am satisfied with the device. I had a bit of initial problem while installation but they attended and resolved it.
Well friend, just like you I am also looking for a VOIP provider in India who will get me a Indian phone number. Most of provider I found only let you dial out, or provide numbers from other country. I am looking for Indian phone number so my friends from India can call me. Some of them are not technology friendly. I was kind of thinking that it's still illegal and I can find lot of companies providing outgoing lines from India.
We are having the VOIP for lifetime call to US and Canada. But this VOIP cannot be used with any other Predictive or Manual dialer. Our VOIP comes with one special manual dialer which lacks voice recording facility We provide you lifetime VOIP for unlimited seater for US and Canada. It is one time investment after that you don’t have to pay any penny. But we will not be showing you the demo, but we assure you the best quality to know in detail pls add me in msn as neptech123@hotmail.com or nilesh929@yahoo.com
I am looking for a VOIP provider in India who will get me a Indian phone number. Most of provider I found only let you dial out, or provide numbers from other country.