nice, but does not actually list system software rather can always export the Code: regedit /e c:\software.txt HKLM\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstall to get a list of software installed
ghostomni, please do not self promote your blog in the posts. You can use the signature. I would suggest you read the Rules and guidelines of the forum.
Ok I m Sending The Coding For Logging $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ >> User Logon Log << $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ This Coding log USERNAME, login TIME, login DATE Please Note Copy All Coding On A Notepad & Save It As Startuplog.bat Code: @echo off echo.**************************************************** >>c:\startup.log ver >>c:\startup.log echo. >>c:\startup.log echo. >>c:\startup.log echo. User LOGGED IN INFO >>c:\startup.log @echo Off for /f "tokens=3 delims=\" %%i in ("%USERPROFILE%") do (set user=%%i) 2>&1 echo "Logged User :%user%" >>c:\startup.log echo. >>c:\startup.log echo. >>c:\startup.log echo.User LOG IN Time >>c:\startup.log echo. >>c:\startup.log time /t >>c:\startup.log echo. >>c:\startup.log echo.User LOG IN Date >>c:\startup.log echo. >>c:\startup.log date /t >>c:\startup.log @echo Off echo.**************************************************** >>c:\startup.log This Coding Log All System Software Please Note Copy All Coding On A Notepad & Save It As DriverQuary.bat Code: @echo off c: driverquery >c:\drivers.log
once again the drivers query will only pull the drivers not the actual installed software. this whole script could be done in two lines, nope one will do it. as well in csv format so you could look at it through excel and sort the colums. Code: for /F "tokens=* " %%i in ('ver') do ( echo %USERNAME% , %TIME% , %DATE% , %%i >> %SYSTEMDRIVE%\startup.log )