Hello, I am trying to take an image which has been loaded to the DIB and display it (right now I'm just trying to get it to display on the "main window" anyway possible, picturebox would be ideal but isn't necessary at the moment. Anyway here is my code: Code: int loadjpgfilefrombuffer(LPTSTR fname, imgdes *image) { .... HDC hDC; PAINTSTRUCT ps; HPALETTE hpal; hDC = BeginPaint(NULL, &ps); /* Display the image beginning at (0,0) */ viewimageex(NULL, hDC, &hpal, 0, 0, &image,0,0,VIEWDITHER); EndPaint(NULL, &ps); } The part of code I left out is a function that takes an image file (jpg) and allocates a DIB to load it into then loads it. I am getting the following error: error C2664: 'viewimageex' : cannot convert parameter 6 from 'imgdes **__w64 ' to 'imgdes *' Types pointed to are unrelated; conversion requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast If you have any thoughts or advice please share them. I can provide more information if needed just ask didn't want to post all the code as it wasn't relevant. Thank you. EDIT: I did a reinterpret cast to get it to imgdes* so now it runs fine with no errors but no image is displayed? Can anyone help?