Linkin Relo and Borland C++

Discussion in 'C++' started by deepak_pooleery, Oct 10, 2007.

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  1. deepak_pooleery

    deepak_pooleery New Member

    Oct 10, 2007
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    i want 2 know how to link Borland C++ & Relo V2. As my 64-bit processor didn't support the old Turbo C++, I referred a forum and they informed me to download Borland C++ compiler tools and Relo, which i did 'perfectly'. i tried linking Relo with the compiler but then it showed errors every time i tried running a program. i linked them using the Compilers option from the Tools tab. I gave Borland as the Name, gave the location of my bin folder in the Path and gave the bcc32 file in the bin folder as the Compiler. The type was set to Borland. But this didn't work and yielded the following erros in the Output:-
    [CMD] "D:\Borland\Bin\bcc32" C:\Borland\BCC55\Include -I"D:\Borland\include" -c -o"C:\Borland\BCC55\Bin\Sample.obj" "D:\Borland\Relo2\temp\Sample.cpp"
    Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Borland
    Error E2194: Could not find file 'C:\Borland\BCC55\Include.cpp'
    Error E2209 D:\Borland\Relo2\temp\Sample.cpp 1: Unable to open include file 'iostream.h'
    Error E2209 D:\Borland\Relo2\temp\Sample.cpp 2: Unable to open include file 'conio.h'
    Error E2268 D:\Borland\Relo2\temp\Sample.cpp 5: Call to undefined function 'clrscr' in function main()
    Error E2451 D:\Borland\Relo2\temp\Sample.cpp 6: Undefined symbol 'cout' in function main()
    Error E2268 D:\Borland\Relo2\temp\Sample.cpp 7: Call to undefined function 'getch' in function main()
    *** 5 errors in Compile ***
    when i referred the readme in the Borland folder, it told me something about creating 2 .cfg files(ilink32.cfg & bcc32.cfg) in the bin folder but then i don't know how create .cfg files from the application files ilink32 & bcc32 in the folder. so can anyone of u there help me in this by sending me ur valuable advices n recommendations.

    Let me warn u that I'm purely a novice and anything technical is alien 2 me.

    A Confused Soul

    N.B.:-Do send in ur replies as fast as possible as my C++ project deadline is very close.
  2. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2004
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