I'm trying to make a link from one local document to another. <p> <a href="C:\Documents and Settings\********\Desktop"> This text</a> is a link to my other html document. </p> When i open this with firefox and i click on that link it gives me this message "Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol(c) isn't associated with any program" Now i went into the properties of for the document that it won't open and i put firefox as the program it should open with. Any help?
I changed it to that and now it doesn't give me the error anymore but it gives me a page cannot be found page. I checked the filepath but i still get the error. Can you please post the exact code needed to do this, thank you in advance.
The filepath for the document is: C:/Documents and Settings/*******/Desktop/showingwork2. The way i have it in the html document is: <p> <a href="C:/Documents and Settings/seautio/Desktop"> This text</a> is a link to my other html document. </p>. Please help me out.
It looks like a folder name but anyway here is the stuff. HTML: <p> <a href="file:///C:/Documents and Settings/shabbir/Desktop/filename.jpg"> This text</a> is a link to my other html document. </p>.
STUPID COMPUTER!!!! KEEPS ADDING POSTS WHEN THERE NOT SPOSE TO!!!! Sorry about the anger just it is annoying me. Delete above post please. If you put the two documents in the same file you can do this. Code: <a href="Name of document">Text for link</a> For a example Code: <a href="Example.html">Click here for more info</a>
The dumb machine Now the dumb machine does not understand that as well. I would suggest you preview post before submitting.
I do. Is there anyway that you can delete the above post because my dumb machine is adding posts without me doing it all. So is there anyway you can delete them?
Got it working finally, i just slapped all the files on a server and put that filepath in, i couldn't get the local links to work. Thanks for all the help