How do you create license keys? Do you use ready-made solutions or create your own generation methods?
Just use a simple encrypting function based on the user data to create license keys. Other option is to generate them at the server and then use and verify them in the client side.
You can create the key generation algorithm by yourself if you have enough knowledge and experience. Why not? Shabbir's idea is good. Many large companies use this method. But sometimes it's easy to get around. You need to create a server to check the status of the application. Some users can to replace whatever DLL you lock that functionality in to just always return something valid to server.
Yes. Despite this, many people continue to use this key verification method. I do not understand why?
Sorry, did not see your question. I think this is a proven way. Therefore, many use it. But even a schoolboy can hack such protection for a certain time. I can advise you to use something like ArmDot and similar products. These are programs designed to protect the application and preserve its copyright. Also, there are many topics about generating license keys on stackoverflow! You can find a lot of useful things for yourself there)
I would prefer to use a turnkey solution. You will spend a lot of time creating, verifying keys. You can try to publish your software and draw conclusions. If the project will be successful, you can use one of the solutions written above.
Thank you, I will note your ideas. I already have some thoughts on how to create license keys. But I have not figured out how to check them.