Knapsack 0-1 C# binary & rosettacode & WE Classic Knapsack problem is solved in many ways Contents: Long read: My newest program synthesizes all ciphers from 0 & 1 adding an extra register and 0 remain on left in cipher Number of comparisons decreases from N! to 2^N for example N=10 & N!=3628800 >> 2^N=1024 Random values origin are automatically assigned quantity and quality and integral of value is obtained and in general: integral of quantity and quality and it is possible to divide only anyone will not understand Code: using System;using System.Text; // KNAPSACK 0-1 DANILIN namespace Knapsack { class Program { static void Main() { int n=5; int G=5; int u=n+1; int a=Convert.ToInt32(Math.Pow(2,u)); int[] L = new int[n]; int[] C = new int[n]; int[] j = new int[n]; int[] q = new int[a]; int[] S = new int[a]; int[] d = new int[a]; int dec; int i; string[] e = new string[a]; int h; int k; int max; int m; Random rand = new Random(); for (i=0; i<n; i++) // {L[i]=1+rand.Next(3); C[i]=10+rand.Next(9); Console.Write(i+1); Console.Write(" "); Console.Write(L[i]); Console.Write(" "); Console.Write(C[i]);Console.WriteLine(); } Console.WriteLine(); for (h = a-1; h>(a-1)/2; h--) { dec=h; while (dec > 0) { e[h] = dec % 2 + e[h]; dec/=2; } if (e[h] == "") {e[h] = "0";} e[h]=e[h].Substring(1,e[h].Length-1); for (k=0; k<n; k++) {j[k]=Convert.ToInt32(e[h].Substring(k,1)); q[h]=q[h]+L[k]*j[k]*C[k]; d[h]=d[h]+L[k]*j[k];} if (d[h]<= G) { Console.Write(G); Console.Write(" "); Console.Write(d[h]); Console.Write(" "); Console.Write(q[h]); Console.Write(" "); Console.WriteLine(e[h]);} } Console.WriteLine(); max=0; m=1; for (i=0; i<a; i++) { if (d[i]<=G && q[i]>max) { max=q[i]; m=i;}} Console.Write(d[m]); Console.Write(" "); Console.Write(q[m]); Console.Write(" "); Console.WriteLine (e[m]);} }} Main thing is very brief and clear to even all Results is reduced manually: Code: # Mass Cost 1 2 12 2 3 17 3 1 14 4 3 17 5 1 13 Chifer Mass Cost 11000 5 5 75 01001 5 4 64 00111 5 5 78 !!! 00110 5 4 65 00101 5 2 27 Mass MAX Chifer 5 78 00111
new version Code: using System; // Knapsack C# binary DANILIN using System.Text; // namespace Knapsack { class Knapsack { static void Main() { int n = 7; int Inside = 5; int all=Convert.ToInt32(Math.Pow(2,(n+1))); int[] mass = new int[n]; int[] cost = new int[n]; int[] jack = new int[n]; int[] quality = new int[all]; int[] amount = new int[all]; int i; // circle int k; // circle int dec; string[] bin = new string[all]; int list; int max; int max_num; Random rand = new Random(); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { mass[i]=1+rand.Next(3); cost[i]=10+rand.Next(9); Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", i+1, mass[i], cost[i]); } Console.WriteLine(); for (list = all-1; list>(all-1)/2; list--) { dec=list; while (dec > 0) { bin[list] = dec % 2 + bin[list]; // from 10 to 2 dec/=2; } if (bin[list] == "") { bin[list] = "0"; } bin[list]=bin[list].Substring(1,bin[list].Length-1); for (k=0; k<n; k++) // inside 01 { jack[k]=Convert.ToInt32(bin[list].Substring(k,1)); quality[list]=quality[list]+mass[k]*jack[k]*cost[k]; // integral of costs amount[list]=amount[list]+mass[k]*jack[k]; // integral of mass } if (amount[list]<= Inside) // current mass < Knapsack { Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3}", Inside, amount[list], quality[list], bin[list]); } } Console.WriteLine(); max=0; max_num=1; for (i=0; i < all; i++) { if (amount[i]<=Inside && quality[i]>max) { max = quality[i]; max_num =i ; } } Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}",amount[max_num],quality[max_num],bin[max_num]); } } }