All About the Keywords

Discussion in 'Search Engine Optimization (SEO)' started by kavinpparker, Nov 27, 2007.

  1. kavinpparker

    kavinpparker New Member

    Nov 27, 2007
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    Introduction to keywords :
    A part of successful search engine optimisation of web pages is working out what keywords your prospective visitors might type in to a search engine to find your site. Some are more competitive than others - try searching for 'web design' in Google, there are millions of results! For smaller, establishing web sites it is better to target less popular keywords and phrases to begin with and aim for success with those.

    Why choose keywords at all? :
    A good web page contains information that people are looking for. When you write the page you need to take a step back and think about what search terms or keywords people would enter to find it. Once you have determined those keywords, you need to narrow them down to 3 to 5 main words. Then you can start to write the page, keeping these words in mind while you develop the content.

    Key phrases versus keywords :
    Different keywords joined together form key phrases. These phrases would be what the search engine user is likely to type in to find your site. As a general rule, each page on your site should be optimised for one key phrase.

    How to research keywords :
    The other major source of research for keywords are your server log files. When a visitor finds your site using a search page, the words they used to find you are entered in your server log files. By looking at this information you can find:
    • keywords to target
    • phrases to target
    • ideas for new pages

    Keyword brainstorming :
    There are some excellent ways to develop and brainstorm new keywords, which can then be used to write new web pages for your site. The Search term suggestion tool from Overture can be used to see what other words have been used in actual searches on a topic. This is also a great way to find some of the less competitive keywords.

    Keyword density :
    Keyword density is important because search engines use this information to categorize a site's theme, and to determine which terms the site is relevant to. The perfect keyword density will help achieve higher search engine positions. Keyword density needs to be balanced correctly.

    Keyword Analysis Research :
    In search engine optimization, keyword analysis research play an important role in determining which targeted keywords your website should be using. Ideally, it will be best to select relevant keywords that have high demand and low competition. The nature of the keyword is also important.

    Keyword Selector Tools
  2. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2004
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    You had too many links in the posts and so you were not able to see it and went for a moderation. By the way nice information.
  3. marketraise

    marketraise New Member

    Jun 27, 2006
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    An important thing one has to keep in mind are the keywords that one is putting for his website.Proper keyword selection will always provide good search results for your website.Want to increase traffic, build credibility, improve your search engine rankings and get people talking about your business--at no cost? Then open up your word processor, and start writing. By determining your best search keywords, writing an article that includes those keywords and getting it distributed online, you'll be putting yourself on the radar of people looking for what you provide.

    How???Well if your web profile in Google matches and relates to your keyword your keyword relevance and SEO score increases.This helps you to attain good SERP'S (Search engine ranking positions) which provides you excellent search engine traffic.People looking for the services you provide will find you at the top rankings when they conduct a related search to the service you provide.This gets your website recognized on the web on a bigger basis and you have an increase in visitors.Your website becomes a success and others would try linking to you.This will get your website quality backlinks and hence it will increase your Page Rank to.
  4. tomfrederick

    tomfrederick New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2007

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