Java Network Programming, by Elliotte Rusty Harold (O'Reilly) Java Network Programming, by Merlin and Conrad Hughes, Michael Shoffner, and Maria Winslow (Manning, an imprint of Prentice-Hall) Advanced Java Networking, by Prashant Sridharan (Prentice-Hall) Java Networking and Communications, by Todd Courtois (Prentice-Hall) Java Networking and AWT API SuperBible, by Nataraj Nagaratnam, Brian Maso, and Arvind Srinivasan (Waite) For a detailed review of these books visit : Other Java books : Basic Networking Tutorials : Happy networking ... Amit Ray. For a long time it puzzled me how something so expensive, so leading edge, could be so useless, and then it occurred to me that a computer is a stupid machine with the ability to do incredibly smart things, while computer programmers are smart people with the ability to do incredibly stupid things. They are, in short, a perfect match. (Bill Bryson)
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