Code: public class Account{ //class Variables private static int NumAccounts = 0; private static final double Interest = 0.05; //Instant Variables private long accNum; private double balance; public Account(long accN, double bal){ accNum = accN; balance = bal; NumAccounts++; } public int GetNumAccounts(){ return NumAccounts; } public double getBalance(){ return balance; } public long getAccountNum(){ return accNum; } public void debit(double amount){ if(amount > balance){ System.out.println("Insufficient Funds in your Account"); }else{ balance = balance - amount; } } public void credit(double amount){ balance += amount; } public String toString(){ String Str; Str ="Account Number :" + accNum + "\n"+ "Account Balance :" + balance + "\n"; return Str; } }//End of class Account public class TestAccount{ static Account[]accList= new Account[100]; public static void insertIntoArray(Account p){//Insert Objects into account int u = 1; accList[u++] = p; } public void print(){ // Print objects System.out.println("Account Number :" + accNum); System.out.println("Balance :" + balance); } public static void main(String[] args){ // Account []accList = new Account[1000]; Account a = new Account(123456,5255.17); insertIntoArray(a); Account b = new Account(188468,19218.20); insertIntoArray(b); Account c = new Account(217794,1002.62); insertIntoArray(c); Account d = new Account(998283,20203.75); insertIntoArray(d); for(int i = 1; i <= 4; i++){// print array elements System.out.println(accList[i].print()); } }//end main }//end class TestAccount Issues with the TestAccount class I am to assume an array, accList, to hold Accounts objects. TestAccount has a method insertIntoArray(Account). Next, I am to create four account objects, insert them into the array and then print them. When I try to print I am getting the following errors: Cannot find symbol variable accNum; Cannot find symbol variable balance; Cannot find symbol method print();