I compiled the PostgreSQL using the commands rpm -ivh *.rpm and installed it but as I want to install DSpace I have to follow the steps as follows Once installed, you need to enable TCP/IP connections (DSpace uses JDBC). Edit postgresql.conf (usually in /usr/local/pgsql/data or /var/lib/pgsql/data), and add this line: tcpip_socket = true Then tighten up security a bit by editing pg_hba.conf and adding this line: host dspace dspace md5 Then restart PostgreSQL. But I could not find the file postgresql.conf in either of the directory as suggested. So I tried to erase the PostgreSQL using rpm -e *.rpm and it gave an error message that Postgre ... packages not installed so I tried rpm -i *.rpm and its message was more shocking saying that its already installed.
Run initdb file to initialize the database and populate the data folder with the files needed. Thanks Shabbir Bhimani