we r given the velocity and acceleration components of a particular point in motion..lets assume them as Vx,Vy,Vzand Ax,Ay,Az respectvely... now we have to calculate the direction cosines of each component with its respective vector... i.e w1 be the direction cosine Vx makes with the velocity vector and w2,w3....and w4 be the direction cosine Ax makes with the acceleration vector and w5,w6.. now if w1=w4,w2=w5,w3=w6, we have to calculate the curvature and torsion of that particular point.. else exit from the program.. can u please help me out.. am in damn need of this code
You can start on the process and when you are stuck at any point you can definitely post your query here. Its always good to ask for what you are unable to do rather than posting the exact assignment you are doing.
Shabbir you can add some kind of announcement or rules thread(Sticky) to the forum so that new posters should not post their homework problem.
And thats why the link is on the top right of all the pages. The same thread does not need to be repeated on every section.