Here is the scenario: 1. Clear your IE cash and cookies. 2. Go to 3. You will see that the site recorded you a tutorial-index cookie. 4. Clear the cookies and cash again. 5. Create HTM file and put the following code in it: <html xmlns='' > <head><title></title></head> <body><iframe src="" height="1000" width="1000"></iframe></body> </html> 6. Run just created file. 7. Now check your cookie folder. RESULT: no cookie. I've been fighting with this iFrame vs. cookie issue for over 2 days. I cannot pinpoint the problem. Anyone can explain to me why it's happening and how I can fix the issue?
You file main HTML page is on a different domain and the iframe src HTML is from a different domain, by thumb rule a domain cannot access the cookies of another domain. Also, what browser are you using??