Idea for website ... is it possible?

Discussion in 'Web Development' started by VictorEremita, Jan 25, 2008.

  1. VictorEremita

    VictorEremita New Member

    Jan 25, 2008
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    I couldn't find any forum suitable for my website question so i posted it here. I had an idea for creating a website but I am not sure whether or not it is possible to do (and especially not, how it is possible). So I hope I am in the right forum for this question, as I don't know which coding would be needed for this to suceed.

    Ok, now the idea. I was thinking of a website with a lot of pictures you clicked your way through ("Previous" - "Next" buttons) and they showed a continuous story of some kind. In the background, some sort of music would be playing to add to the mood of the pictures.

    So far so good, but now to the crazy part of my idea ... let's say that I created this piece of music in different kinds of layers (a basic beat, some clicks, more advanced beat overlapping, a rythm, vocals etc.) and while the visitors browsed through these images, more and more of these layers would be activated in the background music. So that the music would build up while looking through the images.

    Of course I could make a different page for each picture, and a different sound file playing at each page with more layers on it, but it would be even cooler if it was possible to make a page with php (or something) so the new pictures would be inserted at the same page when someone clicked "next" or "previous" and the music would change at the same time.

    It might be a crazy idea. I mostly have php-knowledge but I am willing to learn a lot of coding if this is possible to do. What do you think? Would this be possible in some way?
  2. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2004
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    Moved the thread to web development forum.
    Izaan likes this.
  3. Izaan

    Izaan New Member

    Oct 16, 2007
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    I guess its a good idea and if you can have the portal you can definitely quit your days job.
  4. juresh

    juresh New Member

    Sep 11, 2008
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    i think you r crazy. that is not a good idea. it is possible but what is its adv.
    Make you site heavy.
    suppose i need some images then i go for your site.
    1. your site take time to load.
    2. when i download image one after one, i have no time to hear the music. then why you using this?

  5. commander

    commander New Member

    Nov 20, 2008
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    you would need to pre-render each music file individually for each user every time the music/picture changes unless you were giving the same exact set of images, music, and story to every visitor.

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