Hello eveyone! I found this great site while browsing Google. Anyway.. I have no knowledge of creating phishing pages. So I would really really like for someone to do me a favor. Can someone please make a phishing page with the php file, txt file, and html file for: https://secure.plaync.com/cgi-bin/accountManagement.pl I would like it when the user enters his information it redirects back the original page. (https://secure.plaync.com/cgi-bin/accountManagement.pl) And post it here. THANKS! I am very sorry if this belongs in the wrong forum I don't know here to post it.
You have choosen not to recieve email from other members and you account is not priviledged to recieve PMs and so I could not send you my email address. Shabbir would be better to know when you can recieve PMs