I have a LCD monitor "HANNS-G HW173A 17'' " and i cant find a video driver for him .. i use windows XP Home Edition and the driver that camed with the monitor is for Vista . Anybody can give me a link to a hanns-g driver for Windows XP ? i searched on Google and i couldn`t find anything .. i don't say that in the hanns-g official site i found only the Vista compatible driver. If anybody can find me the driver for that or a compatible driver ... thx
Do you need a driver? Control Panel -> Display -> Settings -> Advanced -> Adapter -> List All Modes -> pick the resolution, True Colour (32 bit), 60Hz -> OK -> Apply and see if it works; it'll revert after 15 seconds so if it doesn't work, don't panic, just wait.
I have a similar problem. My CD came with vista drivers. On load up I get a blank black screen. The computer will only fire up in safe mode. Tried you suggestion above xpi0t0s no joy. Any other possibilities
It has nothing to do with the LCd monitor u have. jus tell whats the motherboard u re having.? whats the motherboard u re having.?
Hi Thanks for the quick response. The Mother board is a 71X Amd Athlon AGP Motherboard. Running a AMD - K7 499 Mz with 512 Mb ram HDD is a Quantum Fireball KA 13.6 Video card FX5200 HVIDIA GeForce Rawdon
h**p://download.nvidia.com/Windows/96.85/96.85_forceware_winvista_x86_international_whql.exe replace * with 't' without quotes. and if u re operating any other OS, download it by selecting in this page, http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us And about the motherboard, i can't find any info about it. can u give me any other information such as which chipset its made of.
Thanks. Chipset AMD 750 consisting of AMD 751 PCI/AGP controller (PAC) AMD 756 PCI ISA IDE Controller I must admit it is an old motherboard. I built it some 8 or 9 years ago. Just wanted to upgrade from Win98 and use it for my Ipod IT tunes machine. Rawdon
what OS do u use? Get the drivers from the following link. let me know whether it works. http://support.octek.com.au/Update/Others/MB_AMD.htm
I have changed from win98 to Xp pro. I have not as yet been able to get a full bootup of XP as the very last and first bootup of xp proper fails with a black screen. And with a safe bootup I cannot do very much. Although the install of xp did go right through, but have not put in the xp product key
Hi Neo Tried the AMD binary file update. Had to copy it from my other PC and moved it to the troublesome one with a flash drive. As the PC will only fire up in SAFE mode when I attempted to install the AMD file all I got was NO AMD components were found. Should I have tried to load the file in another directory
wat u mean "have not put the Xp product key" don't u have the product code? or is it a kind of slipstreamed OS?(slip stream means the product key will be integrated with the OS image so that u dont need to enter the key) so define ur problem correctly. Y can't u reinstall the XP and see wat s happening?
NO. in safe mode u cannot access much of the components, like windows installer will fail to install any component. so u try reinstalling the OS.
Hi been away for a few days. The OS I purchased is a Dell OEM WIN XP pro with service pack 2. Yes it has a product key. I installed it on a formatted HD. But did not ask for the key. Does this request come up at the end of the installation. Cant remember. But will take your advice and reinstall.
no it will ask for a key definitely. while installing have u seen any dialog box asking time, date settings, admin password, user name , password, etc..
Hi Neo I reformatted the HD twice yesterday. I nstalled the OS twice. Yes I was asked for Time.date, time zone, language, keyboard input lang password for administrator on each occassion. But as the install came towards the end and windows fired up for the final time the blank black screen appeared and then hung. Out of my wits. Rawdon
Does the computer start up in Safe Mode OK? It may be something as simple as your monitor not being able to handle the resolution. What monitor are you using? When you get the black screen, are the indications that Windows is working fine and you just can't see what it's doing, for example if you stick a music CD in the CD drive does it play (can you hear it)? Autorun should be enabled by default, but if nothing happens for a minute or so then possibly Windows has popped up that "what do you want to do with this disk" list and hitting Return should activate the default action which will most likely be to play it. If the black screen and the CD test indicate that Windows has died then the problem could be a hardware failure. Windows should work out of the box if your hardware is good. Since reinstalling the OS doesn't fix the problem the next thing you could try is to remove ALL devices from the motherboard except (a) one RAM chip (and if you can test with a new RAM chip that would be better), (b) the hard disk and (c) the graphics card. Similarly if you can test with a known good graphics card that would also be better. If that works then you know the problem is with one of the other devices that were attached and you can reattach them one by one, rebooting each time, until the problem occurs, then you know what needs replacing. (Makes no difference that it all worked fine under Win98. WinXP is a substantially different OS, not a minor upgrade, for example it is the second generation of the merger between the old Windows 9x home OS and Windows NT professional OS; the first was Win2000). Just one other thing I would mention, since this was a Win98 PC it's possible that it just doesn't have the power to be able to run WinXP, never mind to do other things you want to do with the computer. Consider - and I mean seriously consider - not upgrading from Win98 in the first place or if you feel you must replace Win98 then consider replacing it with a fairly lightweight Linux distro that will enable the computer to act as a server. Have a look at the minimum spec for XP at http://www.buildyourown.org.uk/pc-installing/windows-xp/ and bear in mind that the minimum spec means that XP will only just be able to limp along with the CPU maxing out to 100% for ages for every slight operation; if you're not at least DOUBLE ALL the minimum specs then don't install XP, or if you must have XP, upgrade the hardware. PC hardware is very cheap these days and you can easily get an XP-capable PC for a couple of hundred quid.
Neo Forgot to mention that the product key was not asked for. I thought that on a fully formatted disk, it would look like a new install and would require the key. Just attmpted to boot Win goes throughthe POST and hangs after the WIN Logo. Then tried safe mode with no hang up. I wonder if its the motherboard not man enough to install and run XP. Just a thought. Rawdon
Hi xpi OK will attempt to answer as many of the qustions you raise. Fires up in ssafe mode every time. Monitor a Hanns-g brand new Yes the Audio CD plays Changed the power supply to a 570Watt one The spec meets the requirement - here is mine AMD-K7 499 Mz 512Mb ram Video card a new GeForce FX5200 DVidia 128 DDR and an AGP8x The only thing I can think of is that the 5200 has both the 3v and the 1.5v slots. Where as the AGP socket on the motherboard only has the key for a 3v slot. Could this have something to do with it.
Possibly, if you can hear an audio CD then this shows Windows is working fine. Since there is no display it follows there must be a display issue. Is your motherboard up to taking an AGP8x? What MB is it?
remove some hardware from ur computer and see whether it works correctly, it may be a RAM problem or Graphics card problem. so u remove the graphics card and see whether ur system works fine.