I just heard about a update that might have corrupted my computer! I was told this update came out about 3 months ago that windows sent out that was if installed might cause alot of issues, and thats when my motherboard would not allow me to load my OS. Well when i went into the bios it wouldnt detect the hardrive was their so i tryed using a ide hardrive becuase my other one was sata just incase the sata port or the sata hardrive was no longer working but with the IDE hardrive it did the same thing. I was going to reinstall the OS but when i tryed using the CD rom it was indicating that it was working with the lights but upon trying to access the CD rom through startup it kept giving me a error indicating that i could not perform that action. Not allowing me to accesss the cd rom well i tried it with 3 different cd roms and none of them worked. Im thinking about buying a converter that allows me to use the CD rom via usb to see if that works but if you can tell me if you think its not going to work so i dont waste my time or money and it would be very helpfull.. but if anyone knows about this update or has the same issue please let me know! I loved that PC and i was so upset that i lost it
It did not happen to me and there was no update which I have heard about it as well. Can you show me some news source claiming the same.
Well i just heard about this through a friend because i was bringing up what happend to my computer and he said that it was a windows update that did this to his computer as well, i ccould not find any media about it thats why im asking other people if they know about it...
Nope. Hearing this for the first time. If this is true, there might be some other update too to solve this issue.
it would solve the issue if it didnt corrupt my motherboards chip sets, the light on my cd drive indicates that the cd rom is ok the bios says its ok but if i try to boot from it it wont boot so i cant reinstall (ive tried useing the OS, and the nvidia rollback drive nothing) ive tried 3 different cd drives the floopy says its ok in the bios but i cant boot from it eaither, when i look in the bios it doesnt detect the hardrive at all and when i try to boot from normal startup it wont go past the windows logo, i cant reinstall i cant access the desktop safe mode doesnt work nothing works. I was told by my friend taht the exact same thing happend to him but he was able to solve it because it didnt corrept his cd port,..... And before i installed the windows update their was no problems at all with any of theise devices. I let the computer the night before the pc crashed i let it install all the new updates about 3 months ago and when i tryed to pull up my system the computer did all of what i just indicarted
Can you post any information you have related to that update. It might be virus that has infected the bios as well.
i dont know about the update i cant remember what it was for and i only got the info from a friend i intially thought that my motherboard just went out....
If you are using the same machine that is affected with this problem and if it was a windows update, you can get that update info from add/remove programs.
my friend put the idea that it was a update issue!!! and ive heard about the bios virus, would replaceing the cmos fix the issue because i wont be able to flash the bios the virus or corruption messup up my flopy drive, but i did hear from someone that you can replace the cmos with theise steps power of the pc and unplug it from the wall outlet. open up the case and locate the battery. remove the battery and move the jumper pins next to the battery from 1 & 2 to 2 & 3 press the power button to draw out any residule power move the jumper pins back to 1 & 2 replace the battery close the case and plug back in power on.
the steps you mentioned above would just reset the cmos settings, it would not replace the cmos Read the motherboard manual for the correct jumpers that you want to replace the positions for Reading all the messages till now, I think there is some serious problem with ur machine. Did you try using the live cd's? unix - all widely used flavours provide live cd's xp - you can use hiren's boot cd, or minipe live cd's allow you to use OS or similar environment to work on just by booting from the CD itself
Yeah i got clerification about the process like 10 min ago from a friend thats my fault lol...... i know about hirens disk but i dont remember were to make a hirens cd... but i know that the hirens would work pretty well but it wont boot from cd because when i try to boot from cd (i dont remember the error) but it says that i basicaly cant do it. Wait a second here reset the bios, actualy you dont need to do that process i reember how to do it and i have done it, all you actialy need to do: is their is a clip next to the cmos that says reset if you ground a metal object and use the metal peice to it then you can reset the bios that way right>
but where is the fault? and resetting the bios varies for every motherboard. So, refer the motherboard manual
i already checked the manual when i first reset the bios and i did it correctly but no indication of it fixing the pc, actualy reset on a bios was the first thing i did so, that wont fix it hummhhh still stumped.... unless the motherboard is just completly out