ok well, as i assume you understood from the title i now need a battery monitor for my laptop, (something that tells me how much battery is left) and i also need something to tell me what things i can connect to, (mostly wireless signals, like from my router.) please help i am wearing out my keyboard trying to find them, lol.
Well locksmith, I hope u re using vista. In Vista side bar there is no battery gadget by default. however u can download it from the link http://gallery.live.com/search.aspx?q=battery There are many battery gadgets. download any one of ur choice. and here is the one for linux. http://www.tuxisalive.com/developer-corner/software/battery-monitor-gadget and for wireless stuff. U can download wi-fi radar. http://wifi-radar.systemimager.org/ And this stuff is available for windows as well as linux. Hope i solved ur prob.
well neo unfortunately i dont have windows vista, i am using fedora 8. but its fine i stumbled upon a wireless scanner before and i could not remember its name and it was wifi radar, dont know how i forgot that... well anyway i fixed the problem, i just created a new account and that fixed it. thanks anyways.