hello sir how can i access my office pc via internet on the home pc to ip add as a locally computer plz help me abid
But sir there is one main problem that my pc in home and there i worked on that any my office pc`s far 2km long and i they are not connectioned in lan network i know my office pc ip add or defualt getway add or port no. ext. so i want connect my on the internet how can i create connection to both pc`s wheare will be setting to access my documeant s and as a locally computer plz sir sand me information about it abid
Remote Desktop asks for an ip / machine name with username and password and that can help you to connect to any PC on the world provided the remote desktop is on and you know the ip as well as login credentials.
thx for sanding me information about it i know that if i access my network place there i can show with i shre my office pc and work that drive or othere file
i am using server 2000 at my home and at office i use xp professnal so where i can access remote desktop connection at server 2000 u mean if u know ip add or username and password i and machin name so i can access my office pc , so please tale me how can create that connection for it
use the remote desktop help if you are not able to key in the necessary fields in the remote desktop connections.