All home based offline and online jobs should be posted in this thread. All the posts/threads anywhere else will be merged into the thread or closed with a note pointing to this thread. is not related to any offers / spams that are posted in this thread but the constant efforts are made to stop the spams in the thread / forums and so will be edited or deleted based on the nature of posts. All the links / Affiliate links will be deleted if they are not in the signatures of the posts. Do not contact me or Go4Expert about the details of the job / offers. You can always contact the concerned member if you think he is genuine. Number of posts are a good way to judge because someone having good posts will have some good offers for members of the forum but then is not the only way to be judging it. You should look into the following thread before going for any Home based offers. [thread=93]Beware of adtyping jobs[/thread]
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Re: global online data entry jobs I have got computer systems with internet connection at home. I have free time to do the online jobs. kindly send me details to the following email id
Re: global online data entry jobs They are all affiliate links and you will just not get anything but frustration. I would suggest you to keep yourself away from them.
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Re: global offline data entry jobs shivakumarvg, beware this data entry jobs are all scams and we are planning to take them off from heres.
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Re: Home Based Part Time Online Data Entry Job for Free HI This is Anjali I m a Commerce graduate with 2 years of exp I m looking for home based part time job like data entry or making repots or any kinds of to use my spare time and want to earn more to help my family and presently I m working wid software comp as a Office Coordinator I m good in MS-office if suitable plz revert me. Mail me at (
Re: global offline data entry jobs I am interested in doing the data entry job. Please let me Know about the nature of work exactly on Mail ID: Regards R. Parsai
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