Help needed to Write fist hello world operating system in pen drive.

Discussion in 'Assembly Language Programming (ALP) Forum' started by mohit_khanna, May 20, 2010.

  1. mohit_khanna

    mohit_khanna New Member

    May 20, 2010
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    I am not much knew to assembly language. I worked on it in my college days. But now i am again starting it after a gap of two years. Lot of things are gone. Except the interest in the simplicity in assembly language. Now i am trying to make a very small operating system of simply printing hello world. I am using pen drive in place of floppy here. the program i am using is
    ; Simple boot program that prints the letter 'H'
    ; and then hangs
    ; Joel Gompert 2001
    ; Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any results of the use of the contents
    ; of this file
    org 0x7c ; This is where BIOS loads the bootloader

    ; Execution begins here
    jmp short begin ; jump over the DOS boot record data

    ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; data portion of the "DOS BOOT RECORD"
    ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    brINT13Flag DB 90H ; 0002h - 0EH for INT13 AH=42 READ
    brOEM DB 'MSDOS5.0' ; 0003h - OEM name & DOS version (8 chars)
    brBPS DW 512 ; 000Bh - Bytes/sector
    brSPC DB 1 ; 000Dh - Sectors/cluster
    brResCount DW 1 ; 000Eh - Reserved (boot) sectors
    brFATs DB 2 ; 0010h - FAT copies
    brRootEntries DW 0E0H ; 0011h - Root directory entries
    brSectorCount DW 2880 ; 0013h - Sectors in volume, < 32MB
    brMedia DB 240 ; 0015h - Media descriptor
    brSPF DW 9 ; 0016h - Sectors per FAT
    brSPH DW 18 ; 0018h - Sectors per track
    brHPC DW 2 ; 001Ah - Number of Heads
    brHidden DD 0 ; 001Ch - Hidden sectors
    brSectors DD 0 ; 0020h - Total number of sectors
    DB 0 ; 0024h - Physical drive no.
    DB 0 ; 0025h - Reserved (FAT32)
    DB 29H ; 0026h - Extended boot record sig
    brSerialNum DD 404418EAH ; 0027h - Volume serial number (random)
    brLabel DB 'Joels disk ' ; 002Bh - Volume label (11 chars)
    brFSID DB 'FAT12 ' ; 0036h - File System ID (8 chars)

    ; --------------------------------------------
    ; Boot program code begins here
    ; --------------------------------------------
    ; boot code begins at 0x003E
    mov ah, 0x0e ; Function to print a character to the screen
    mov al, 'H' ; Which character to print
    mov bl, 7 ; color/style to use for the character
    int 0x10 ; print the character

    jmp hang ; just loop forever.


    size equ $ - entry
    %if size+2 > 512
    %error "code is too large for boot sector"
    times (512 - size - 2) db 0

    db 0x55, 0xAA ;2 byte boot signature

    I save it in h.asm and then convert to bin file using nasm assembler by command
    nasm c:\h.asm -fbin -o c:\h.bin

    then i write it to my pendrive using debug by using the following commands
    debug c:\h.bin
    -l 0
    -n f:\h.bin
    -w 0

    Now everything works uptill now.

    When i reboot my pc making pen drive as priority boot device. Then i get the error
    Error reading disk
    Press any key to restart

    Then i get message-
    There is no boot data in your device.

    Where the things are going wrong. Please help.
  2. lionaneesh

    lionaneesh Active Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    Firstly I'd like to Organize the code by using code tags and make it more readable..

    ; Simple boot program that prints the letter 'H'
    ;  and then hangs
    ; Joel Gompert 2001
    ; Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any results of the use of the contents
    ;   of this file
        org 0x7c    ; This is where BIOS loads the bootloader
    ; Execution begins here
        jmp short begin ; jump over the DOS boot record data
    ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; data portion of the "DOS BOOT RECORD"
    ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    brINT13Flag     DB      90H             ; 0002h - 0EH for INT13 AH=42 READ
    brOEM           DB      'MSDOS5.0'      ; 0003h - OEM name & DOS version (8 chars)
    brBPS           DW      512             ; 000Bh - Bytes/sector
    brSPC           DB      1               ; 000Dh - Sectors/cluster
    brResCount      DW      1               ; 000Eh - Reserved (boot) sectors
    brFATs          DB      2               ; 0010h - FAT copies
    brRootEntries   DW      0E0H        ; 0011h - Root directory entries
    brSectorCount   DW      2880        ; 0013h - Sectors in volume, < 32MB
    brMedia         DB      240        ; 0015h - Media descriptor
    brSPF           DW      9               ; 0016h - Sectors per FAT
    brSPH           DW      18              ; 0018h - Sectors per track
    brHPC           DW      2        ; 001Ah - Number of Heads
    brHidden        DD      0               ; 001Ch - Hidden sectors
    brSectors       DD      0            ; 0020h - Total number of sectors
            DB      0               ; 0024h - Physical drive no.
            DB      0               ; 0025h - Reserved (FAT32)
            DB      29H             ; 0026h - Extended boot record sig 
    brSerialNum     DD      404418EAH       ; 0027h - Volume serial number (random)
    brLabel         DB      'Joels disk '   ; 002Bh - Volume label  (11 chars)
    brFSID          DB      'FAT12   '      ; 0036h - File System ID (8 chars)
    ; --------------------------------------------
    ;  Boot program code begins here
    ; --------------------------------------------
    ; boot code begins at 0x003E
        mov    ah, 0x0e    ; Function to print a character to the screen
        mov    al, 'H'        ; Which character to print
        mov    bl, 7        ; color/style to use for the character
        int    0x10        ; print the character
        jmp    hang        ; just loop forever.
    size    equ    $ - entry
    %if size+2 > 512
      %error "code is too large for boot sector"
        times    (512 - size - 2) db 0
        db    0x55, 0xAA        ;2  byte boot signature
    And I have started Learning OS Boot Kernel and HERE is a very good code resource..

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