Help understanding (new)

Discussion in 'C++' started by Robert Garcia, Jan 29, 2021.

  1. Robert Garcia

    Robert Garcia New Member

    Jan 24, 2021
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    Let me start by saying thanks for any help at all. the problem i am having is understanding using a function how to call a function to gather data from a file, have the file accept the good data and put the bad data in error file. The catch is we have to use a void function using ampersand. This is what i got so far but kind of hit a wall. Any help would be great, i am trying to hard to learn and understand what is taking place.
    void getData(string name, int& num, int& infeet, double& incost, int& exfeet, double& excost, ifstream& inFile, ofstream& outFile, ofstream& errorFile, int& baddata);
    void calculation(int infeet, double incost, double& totalint, int exfeet, double excost, double totalext, double& total, ifstream& inFile, ofstream& errorFile);
    int main(){
    //opening input, output and error files
    ofstream outFile ("outfile.txt");
    ofstream errorFile ("errorFile.txt");
    ifstream inFile ("lab6.txt");
    string name;
    double incost, excost, intcost, extcost, total=0;
    double interiorCost, exteriorCost, totalint, totalext;
    int num, infeet, exfeet, linecount=0,
    int main(){
    //opening input, output and error files
    ofstream outFile ("outfile.txt");
    ofstream errorFile ("errorFile.txt");
    ifstream inFile ("lab6.txt");
    string name;
    double incost, excost, intcost, extcost, total=0;
    double interiorCost, exteriorCost, totalint, totalext;
    int num, infeet, exfeet, linecount=0, baddata=false;
    //Error message
    if (!outFile){
    cout << "Cannot open file, terminating the program. ";
    return 0;
    if (!errorFile){
    cout << "Cannot open file, terminating the program.";
    return 0;
    if (!inFile){
    cout << "Cannot open file, terminating the program.";
    return 0;
    //loop eof
    while (!inFile.eof()){
    //read data
    getData(name, num, infeet, incost, exfeet, excost, inFile, outFile, errorFile, baddata);
    if(!baddata)   <-------( i am stuck here and wondering if i have the right approach)
    this is the data we are using:
    Data Fil
    ABC 1234 400 3.50 850 5.50
    DEF 1345 100 5.25 200 2.75
    GHI 2346 200 10.00 0 0.0
    JKL 4567 375 4.00 50 4.00
    MNO 5463 200 -5.0 150 3.00
    PQR 679 0 0.0 100 3.50
    STU 6879 100 0.0 -100 0.0
    VWX 7348 0 0.0 750 0.0
    XYZ 9012 -24 5.00 -50 5.00
  2. katejameson

    katejameson New Member

    Feb 16, 2021
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    That looks interesting. but I can't find the issue.

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