I am working on a user profile back up tool to be used before reimaging a computer. Basically I am just backing up the desktop, document, pictures, and favorites. That part of the code is working. It check if the user profile is there and does this: My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyDirectory("C:\users\" & struser & "\Desktop", "\\vhabecapp1r\cscbackup\" & struser & "\Profile\Desktop", True) The only problem is I need to take ownership of the folder (profile) to do this. I know how to add permissions but I am having issues taking ownership. I used this piece of code before and it worked but in this project the debugger doesn't like it. Code: Try ChangeOwner(directory, userName) For Each subdir As String In System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(directory) HandleDir(subdir, userName) Next subdir Catch exception As System.Exception Debug.WriteLine(exception.Message) End Try Try HandleDir(Me.folderName.Text, strUser) Catch ex As Exception MsgBox("Error: " & ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical) Exit Sub End Try The imports are the same on both project. Any idea why this isn't working on the new project?